Reviews for Groskettes vs Laytonites
Guest chapter 4 . 5/2/2016
Is bad I knew who the usernames were?
SamCyberCat chapter 4 . 1/13/2016
It's great to see my favourite PL fandom meta fanfic updated again. :D

I always enjoy seeing these different chapters to see where Hannah's antics will take her and Bloom this time. And while up to now these chapters have mostly been about stand-alone subjects, do I detect that the ending of this one suggests that the Bill Hawks plot might carry on into multiple chapters? Either way, I'm always happy to see what you do with this fic.

Also, that little Bloom/Hannah hint was a welcome sight as well. ;)
Lumos314 chapter 4 . 1/9/2016
Oh, man, this story again? This is gonna be good. XD Though, it does seem to be getting serious. I can't wait to see what kind of story you craft with this! (But please say it ends in Hawks getting what he deserves!)
Demon Lord Satan chapter 4 . 1/9/2016
whoa, this took a turn for the more serious-
I honestly was not expecting that at all!
Masking What Remains chapter 3 . 9/27/2015
High five me, fellow Blannah shipper! XD
Xenovia77 chapter 3 . 9/14/2015
Always nice to see this updated! Very entertaining chapter and, considering some of the shipping incidents that have recently happend, very fitting as well
Guest chapter 3 . 9/13/2015
I wondered when the last ship was going to appear. Imaging their fan club XD
Larkwings chapter 3 . 9/12/2015
This was handled really well in my opinion. Giving the awful shipping debates plaguing the fandom right now, I feel this is a sort of public service announcement wrapped in a bundle of hilarity. Serioulsy, mad props to you for this one
SamCyberCat chapter 3 . 9/10/2015
Oh my gosh a shipping chapter! This is absolutely brilliant!

I love that you included so many different ships and that Hannah is of course a very passionate shipper. No disrespect to DesLay, but I can't say I blame her for converting to LayClive. ;D Also, I love that you even referenced some of the more obscure ships, like Chelmey/Barton (I like that Bloom just assumed they were married XD), Emmy/Grosky and of course the legendary Layton/Aldus.

Also the increasing amount of hints towards Hannah & Bloom's relationship are getting so adorable as well. I couldn't agree with that last line more. ;D
LittleBrotherSocket chapter 3 . 9/9/2015
Oh my gosh. This is great. XD

I feel like I just watched them react to every fanfic ever. XD

This is amazing. XD
Masking What Remains chapter 2 . 8/19/2014
Hahahaha! The Clive and Randall Clubs are WAY nicer to each other then the Groskey and Layton fans! XD I assume Puzzlette leads both the Clive and Randall groups? Keep Writing On! :)
DatUsernameDoe chapter 2 . 8/16/2014
HAHA sexy voices! I see what you did there ;).
SamCyberCat chapter 2 . 8/18/2014
Oh my gosh! The return of the Clive fangirl!

Have to admit that I was not expecting the Clive vs Randall fanclub meeting to go like this at all, but it was a brilliant take on it. Nice to see fans coming together to share their love of discussion, definitely the best way for fandom to be. :3 Poor Clive in prison though, he certainly would like to just be left alone.
1849502 chapter 2 . 8/16/2014
Yay! Thank you for this! I love that Randall just completely "forgot" about Angela!
dead account cookies chapter 2 . 8/16/2014
Oh dear lord this was the best! I'd much rather attend this meeting than the last one!
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