Reviews for A Snake In the Grass, A Wolf At the Door
Guest chapter 10 . 7/20
*Sighs contendly. Love the ending for what it is. And obito is adorable.
PrettyPansexual chapter 10 . 6/9
this is an amazing story!
Joanna chapter 10 . 6/6
LittleFlower2012 chapter 10 . 5/31
This fic was awesome, Orochimaru is such a complicated character and I just love the way you portrayed him!
StoriesMakeLife chapter 10 . 1/23
An unexpectedly believable take on Orochimaru not turning evil.
Awesome of you to point out that Tsunade and Jiraya absence was the most likely reason he finally crossed the line in the canon.
Sigil Dagger chapter 10 . 12/7/2019
This still one of my favorites. Thank you so much for writing this and many other of your fics too. 3
evieblackstone chapter 1 . 8/17/2019
best story of Sakumo and Orochimaru. And am I the only one who wants kakashi to say "Oro" in the Anime just to see the face Orochimaru would make.
The View From Up Here chapter 10 . 7/15/2019
I love to see a sweeter side to Orochimaru, it always bothered me that both of his only friends seemed to leave him alone after the war.
TheBambi555 chapter 10 . 7/10/2019
This is not a ship I ever thought I would read about, but damn if I didn't enjoy this story! I love the way you wrote Orochimaru in a way that was likable, but still keeping true to his character.
Andreina Cummings chapter 10 . 6/27/2019
Please update soon
Andreina Cummings chapter 9 . 6/27/2019
Awesome story I hope you continue writing it soon
FanOfReading121 chapter 10 . 6/19/2019
AWWWWWW! It may have started as a crack fic but it turned in to so much more. There are so many things in Naruto that could've turned out for the better if someone was just paying attention. This one would be one of those things. Great job! Until next time...
Chasta-Dex Twitches chapter 5 . 5/25/2019
That moment near the end... I fucking hated Jiraiya... Like your teammate –FAMILY damnit– was obviously majorly injured and you just fucking bypass him as if he wasn't there... I'm pissed at his dumb ass.
Sephiroth'sGhost chapter 10 . 3/31/2019
I can't even begin to tell you how much I love this fic. I've always had a soft spot for villains with tragic back stories and Orochimaru is no exception. Thank you for making this Iic, I wish there were more out there like this 3
homelybiscuit chapter 10 . 3/26/2019
I loved this story and I'm glad I stumbled onto it. Orochimaru is one of my favorite characters and I always love seeing 'what if' stories that paint him as a human being. The idea that not everyone is born evil and that somehow Orochimaru was just a normal guy, if a little weird or lacking in empathy, that through certain events turned him into the Orochimaru we see in the series is one of my favorite fanfiction routes to explore. I've seen some SakuOro stuff before and I wasn't really sure how to feel about it because I never really knew much about Sakumo's character, but the way you've written this story makes me love them together. I like the idea that Orochimaru needs someone there to be like "hey, that's not ok" when his snake brain takes over and he lacks the empathy that causes him to say things like that killing the Ame trio would be a kindness to spare them from suffering, and I like that this is what Sakumo is for him in this story. Plus, the fact that he can help Sakumo when he needs it and save Kakashi and his dad from their tragic story is such a great idea. The added comedy of seeing Kakashi and Oro interact is just a cute bonus on top of the angst in the story that makes it so great. I'm also glad this didn't end with them just as friends because I was really afraid it was going to for a minute there. When Orochimaru was accepting that his feelings wouldn't be returned because Sakumo wasn't into guys and how he moved past Jiraiya at the same time for similar reasons, I was like oh no. But i'm glad at the end they became more than friends, they both deserve to be happy. Anyway, I'll shut up now and just say again how amazing this story was and how fun it was to read!
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