Reviews for Days to Come
George1892 chapter 4 . 7/7
I can't imagine that while Harry and his friends were fighting and dying to try to save the world, while his godson lost both his parents and while Fred died that Harry would be interested in someone who never picked a side and after getting her sister safe from the final battle decided not to come back (like Slughorn's Slytherins) because she couldn't be arsed. He should be chucking her out the door.
fireflame789 chapter 22 . 6/28
God damn it this was so much better than I was expecting. The cheating, the characters, the growing up. Congrats- you made it feel real.

In character albeit probably weird choices especially in the beginning. Actual relatability, not reliant on magic as the main driving factor, and it just feels real. You write the characters really well, even if the language sometimes gets flowery.

Thanks for the great fanfic- one hell of a ride I’m not forgetting soon.
ElmDorianGray chapter 21 . 6/14
This was easily one of the best Haphne fics I have ever read. Brilliant.
Esmeralda Riddle chapter 22 . 5/7
Nice fic... Nostalgic.. Right now I am thinking about my past present experiences and where I'll be say 5 yrs later? Well life is complicated and unpredictable.. Ha ha... Liked reading this... Keep writing;)
The-storycollector chapter 1 . 5/2
Honestly, this story was great. You really were able to get all the characters and emotions spot on. Also I loved what you did with Harry and Daphne and just how realistic it was. Most authors and stories usually go off on tangents or their dialogue is sub-par but I found non of these in your work. Definitely one of my favorite stories. Looking forward to your new story if you plan on finishing it.
didyousaytim chapter 22 . 2/23
Curious. Nicely tied up. Everyone falling into very human patterns of behavior. As people age, decisions about fixing relationships meet that newly formed and getting thicker with every passing month... do i have time for it, to reinvest in something that failed once ( or at the time I finallt realized)
didyousaytim chapter 12 . 2/21
Here's an idea about time I once had. If a person is going back, they just are. There is no loss of time, just a knowledge of events of details that fade, and careful tiptoeing around timeline worries. And even obsessions about the future they may change and whether they can ever re-meet those in their past now future. But if they go forward in time, is it truly like that rabbit and watch and they just are 1 mimute more? If there is a side pocket of time, what parts of a being age , evolve, etc or is it just a side station, timeline slips by and you get back on? I am up to 89 time oriented orocesses that can happen while in that side pocket the quantum models , well, it will be two years before the formulas have the resources to test. Time is the truest catalyst. It remains whole despite the change to all that mix eith it. Didyousaytim... (the 'e' is only 25 luna cycles away) .
Jehfret chapter 22 . 2/11
This was really great. I still think Ginny got off easy for cheating on Harry. If you feel your partner is focusing too much on the other things in their life and not on you, you talk to them. That doesn't work, you end it. But there's never a valid excuse for hopping into bed with another person. Buuutttt.. Harry and daphne are adorable, I'm super glad they found each other and it's working out. Also, daphne and teddy dancing is a super cute image. Really loved this story. Hope to see more hp/dg from you someday.
Jehfret chapter 10 . 2/10
Oh Harry, you dense fucker :P
joniskpelare chapter 22 . 2/9
Great story. Thanks for sharing!
Guest chapter 22 . 1/28
The author has NTR fetish because 'Ginny isn't't at fault for cheating' . Fuck off! When things go south in a relationship you don't cheat you break up! Cheating shows what kind of horrible person you are and what ethics you hold dear...
Guest chapter 22 . 1/28
Why ? Why do people love such passive dicks ? Ginny literally destroyed harry and he just let her go ? Why the fuck ? I hope your wife/husband does the same to you!
ZenJack chapter 3 . 1/19
Tall woman? Ginny Weasley? She's short in canon.
aratakasugatrinity7 chapter 14 . 12/11/2019
What's wrong with Daphne wearing a dress? Luna wore one and she wasn't perceived as trying to hard,plus they are cute c:
aratakasugatrinity7 chapter 13 . 12/11/2019
I love that harry is finally moving on and also noticing Daphne.
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