Reviews for Rogue Knight
Vigriff chapter 159 . 7/24
I really want to give Veil a hug.
Vigriff chapter 153 . 7/24
Obi-Wan has become a true Je'Daii.
Vigriff chapter 149 . 7/24
Shaak Ti, has anyone told you you're beautiful when you're angry?
Vigriff chapter 133 . 7/22
Stupid Republic Jedi.
Vigriff chapter 117 . 7/21
The Force is certainly enjoying the comedy routine that's happening.
Vigriff chapter 108 . 7/19
At last, Obi-Wan can truly see.
Vigriff chapter 105 . 7/19
Ven and his crew restored their honor.
Vigriff chapter 97 . 7/19
I simply love how trollish Veil is.
Vigriff chapter 32 . 7/17
Poor Yoda.
bmw19482016 chapter 21 . 7/16
Nice Reagan speech
ChronoMitsurugi chapter 120 . 6/24
Knights of the Republic huh? Lol
So Ashoka Badass Tano will be the newest Kotor Knight? I cant agree enough.
ChronoMitsurugi chapter 37 . 6/22
Very nice. You waited until almost 40 chapters to drop the other shoe. Thats far better than most AU fics like this can manage.

Now to see what extra you have decided to add to the galaxy beyond Mr. Delkatar.
Aegis120 chapter 118 . 6/19
What happened to the Darksaber anyway? Pre Vizsla had it, and now hes dead. The Darksaber should have gone straight to Veil.
Aegis120 chapter 37 . 6/15
What I learned from reading this is that 99% of Jedi are useless
Aegis120 chapter 12 . 6/14
Its crazy that this is only the 12th chapter. It feels like I have been reading for days. The liberation of Ryloth is happening? Dang thats pretty early in the Clone Wars. Its weird to think that so much has gone down this early in the war.
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