Reviews for Queen of the Swarm
Alphros chapter 78 . 6/20
You've certainly 'brought a smile to my face and kept me entertained'. Thank you.
ArkhCthuul chapter 53 . 6/11
Well, while funny, that 2as a bit heavy handed and ahort
ArkhCthuul chapter 52 . 6/11
Sigh, let's hope this. Works better for her than for her powers former bearer.
Atter all,. Sarah did get...overtrlhrown. Into God hood but still...
ArkhCthuul chapter 51 . 6/11
For a moment I thought "s9 ambush, dark Grimderpness incoming"...

But then you saved it. And really, big leagues, and with such an ability he's monologuing? Haha..
ArkhCthuul chapter 50 . 6/11
Soo, cuddlebugs plus blue power rings equal profit?

I mean 4eally Disney will. Sue...
ArkhCthuul chapter 48 . 6/9

Does it sound like a Desert frog?

I. Et it does. Oh man...
ArkhCthuul chapter 47 . 6/9
Pro: excellent musical taste.

Contra: stupid teenage short. Circuit reaction given that she was warned not to do that a few days ago and Danny isn't even hurt bad.

You've written many a better chapter.
ArkhCthuul chapter 45 . 6/9
OK, being this stupid HAS to be intentional.

Useless grandstanding, showing internal disunity, and ending it all by freaking SHOWING HER A DOORMAKER DOOR?!

What the heck were. They on?
ArkhCthuul chapter 44 . 6/9
Ehmmm yeah, less useless m9nologuing and more telling the load of people owing you that you would like Paige to have a fair retrial?

I mean really, is your Taylor not usually. Less stupid and only angsty regarding herself...
That was a prime chance ig ored...

But I liked the description of the puppy and her zerglings...
ArkhCthuul chapter 43 . 6/9
Hmmm, superlook Piggott, and tired coil in the corner, who is still owed a favor from panpan... Intriguing.

Even if it Ais too short.
ArkhCthuul chapter 41 . 6/9
Going to grab panpan.

Well, as there are no other gangs left, she prolly intends to send a message.
The message being" I'm to dumb to let live, pls nerf! "

Hehe hee.
Guesticus chapter 39 . 6/9
And here comes the hydralisk mk1.

They'll never know peace again.

Let's. See. Eh Freaks out first. My money's on armsy or. Piggott.

Except for. Piggott. Calling her kid, this chapter was. Very very. Good.
ArkhCthuul chapter 39 . 6/9
And here comes the hydralisk mk1.

Except for. Piggott. Calling her kid, this chapter was. Very very. Good.
Vanster X chapter 4 . 6/10
Just started the story and likeing it so far. Only question for this chapter is why would Taylor not have a mask and temp name for if she decides not to join? Now if she doesn't join every ward knows her name and power.
ArkhCthuul chapter 37 . 6/7
Yay, another pysichic break!
And Max of all people
Different than I would have expected. And truly. Scary and dark.
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