Reviews for Twilight'd
thehelpinghand chapter 15 . 8/21
hyper pixie alice... meets first cousin twice removed who is sarcastic and hyper... Jasper will never be the same again... Edward will forever wonder why he was stuck with the ability to read minds... Edmund would join in... Rosaline would sigh... Carlisle and Esme would be indulgent. So much potential for this story. if you don't update, this is how i choose to believe their meeting ends up going... if you update and continue this story, that just means i get to see how you beleive it will happen and sometimes that's better than my imagination
Guest chapter 15 . 8/18
Hi there, it's been a YEAR
Would you like to update before Doomsday of covid19 or stuff? Just saying
Doe-Hart chapter 14 . 7/28
I vote her being charlisle's singer. He's never had human blood and it'll be interesting to read.
marcinkrycki2314 chapter 15 . 7/16
Name them scooby gang so they can go solve mysteries of universe, or find a lost kitten...
FaeGhostReader chapter 15 . 7/7
Hope you update this soon!
FaeGhostReader chapter 5 . 7/7
Cant believe it took her so long to figure it out...
PipertheViper chapter 15 . 6/14
I just found this and fell in love with it! Hope you're able to update soon. You're a fantastic writer. Can't wait until Esper meets Alice.
KDBloomfield chapter 15 . 5/25
MadHatterWeasley chapter 15 . 5/20
Please continue this! I NEED to see how the cullens (and the pack) eventually find out about Esper and about her knowing basically everything that's supposed to be a secret. I'm also loving Esper/Bella/Jacob friendship! They really do just act like a couple of teenagers together and it's so nice to read about it. I'm also so happy with this Bella! I can't wait to see how she reacts to Edward being Edwardy.
sadarsa chapter 7 . 5/19
those are some seriously long usernames, usually their limited to 13 characters.
sadarsa chapter 4 . 5/19
What do i think of the characters?
I think they talk like their in high school... or even college. Aren't they supposed to be 9?
RoseSMBB chapter 15 . 5/11
plz more plzzzzzzz I love book plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
chellekathrynnn chapter 1 . 5/2
Are you done with this? You’ve written others after this...
Guest chapter 15 . 4/19
Dude... I am incredibly, unashamedly in love with this story, esper is just so darn cool, like seriously, for a oc she is amazing, I can't wait for the day you update, I'll be waiting, because, well, this is fantastic.
Aism de Plume chapter 15 . 4/16
I love this so much! Please post more! (No pressure if you just post slowly, but if you've given up on this story, please consider continuing it.)
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