Reviews for We Weren't Born to Follow
LOUISE.SC chapter 38 . 6/17
[ WARNING: very long review ]
Right, so I binge read this and finished a few minutes in 3 AM then spent two more hours or so thinking about the whole thing (and damn, I almost got caught that I was still awake- that could had ended in disaster and a lot of yelling). I'm writing this review with five hours of sleep and two cups of coffee so please do excuse my mistakes

First and foremost, I love this story and everything in it. From the writing style, the plot, characters, and concept; I can't wait for more.

I absolutely adore the writing style and God, I assure you that it's one of the best that I had ever came across of. The string of words that you use and how everything seemed to flow so smoothly with the right tint of mystery. There always seem to be a double meaning to their sentences. You keep me on my toes with every chapter; just as I thought I could finally settle down, everything goes crashing back down.

The plot is absolutely entertaining. Every time I start a new twin ff, I always go, "this is going to happen", "that will probably go", "let me guess? he'll say this"; but with this, everything I knew about twin ff came crashing down. I could rarely guess what would happen next and this was entirely new. You exceeded my expectations and I don't think any other twin ff will be able to keep me on my toes as this one does.
Another thing would be that you didn't necessarily follow canon plot and had even added ones of your own. You paved a whole new path and I loved it so so much.

continue next part
katsekala chapter 38 . 2/16
Great chapter once again! Many kisses!
Guest chapter 4 . 1/2
I feel like Reborn. I am constantly reminding myself I will know everything at the end.
hellokittz chapter 38 . 12/26/2019
I saw that you updated in archive of our own. please add it here too _
Guest chapter 38 . 11/10/2019
can u update please I really want ro know what happens next !
(And can you make kanon 10 generation( reborn) and this 10 generation( reborn) meet ?)
Guest chapter 38 . 10/12/2019
Guest chapter 38 . 10/5/2019
Felicidades. Continualo pronto. está genial!
code R.R chapter 23 . 9/8/2019

I love cloud!Kyoko
yukiv chapter 38 . 8/31/2019
I hope soon to be able to read the rest of the story, it changes
Guardian Hyren chapter 2 . 7/2/2019
I’m not really one for being a critic, but I feel like I have to put this out there. Your writing is amazing and your story idea is very interesting, the only problem I have with it is your OC. At first I didn’t realize it was an oc, and I have no problem with your oc being in the story, it’s just that it feels a little forced. She knows a lot about Mafia (which isn’t bad per se), happens to know Gokudera’s parentage, is involved with Tsuna’s family, and is just all around not really a believable character. He actions don’t really fit well as a person living in the khr world and it feels like you put a bolder into a river and expected it to flow normally. It just feels a bit awkward. I enjoyed the first chapter, but I’m sorry to say that I couldn’t finish the second.
Asuka27 chapter 38 . 6/4/2019
Omg I love your story .
The character and the idea are perfect and I hope you continue writing. I'm so interstate to find out how it goes on with the parallel future.
Hazelna chapter 38 . 5/28/2019
still waiting new chapter, have reread this fiction for the 3rd time
stupidblackbuffalo chapter 19 . 5/19/2019
Oh my god I ship Dino and Amane so much
huohuaduvessa chapter 38 . 5/10/2019
please, please, please update. This is a great story, one of my absolute favourites, hands down, and the amount of thought and work put into this fic must have been humongous! This is a clearly well-thought and well-written fic, as evidenced by hoe smooth the OCs have been integrated and just how absolutely badass Tsuna and the gang are while at the same time not making them look too OP (bcos Kyoya will always be opTeach me your ways,pls). I think it would be a shame if this got forgotten. Although if you're going through something, that's fine. Take all the time you need! I really appreciate (and am amazed) with your fics and skill in writing!
loweel chapter 38 . 4/2/2019
Seito, this is the best work I've read so far on this site.

Honestly, I've been reading through almost 10 to 12 hours to keep up with all the chapters.

This is definitely a story I need to see conclusion.

I simply loved the additions and modifications in this KHR play, tsuna swords, Kyoko Bad Ass and the totally unexpected best Ayame character among others.


The plots you entered made the story magnificent and gave a new air to KHR, most of the Twists I realized or theorized, but had some who sincerely caught me impeccably unprepared.

The character Ayame surprise at every moment and makes me like her even more, I would love to comment, but I do not like to open spoliers.

The relationship that Tsuna and Ayame caught me unprepared and unexpectedly I loved.

Could comment a lot more, but you have numerous comments to read.

I would like to see the end of this work.

It's just a kick (unless you've already presented the last one), but maybe the last secret Sawara's resident is involved in this dimensional journey / time?
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