Reviews for Blood Curdling
The Background Conquerer chapter 42 . 4/2
This is my second favorite story after reading it.
FrozenFlames12 chapter 21 . 4/21/2019
Is Dracula Gobber? Their teaching methods are the same.
FrozenFlames12 chapter 6 . 4/21/2019
Aferus chapter 11 . 10/9/2018
Man, what a chapter. There’s a lot going on here and all I could think about was how unique Ava must be for him to refuse to bite her. That shows how much she means to him and his disobedience against his master’s mind control is noteworthy.

But now, they’re gone. Off to Lord knows where, but they’re gone. I hope they can find some way to turn Spidey back, and it’s obvious that he’s still there, damn it. Bring Spidey home. :/ Damn you, Dracula!

Another great chapter!
Aferus chapter 10 . 10/2/2018
Damn. I definitely didn’t see that coming. So, Spider’s the new blood and all hell has just broken loose. Good God. This has changed for the worse, it seems. Damn you, Dracula. Damn you, damn it!

I felt really bad for Tiger. I see that she let out all her emotions seeing Spider take the fall for her. It’s not her fault. But, damn. It was a heart wrenching scene, that’s for sure.

Another impressive chapter. I’ll read more tomorrow, my friend. Had such a late night tonight. Ugh.
Great job!
Aferus chapter 9 . 10/2/2018
Dear Lord, what a chapter! Spidey finally gets the chance to save the girl he’s got feelings for and then wham! Nosferatu food! This chapter had me on my seat! There was a lot of action and a lot of fighting to go around. The fact Dracula had all these known villains fighting their counterparts is mind boggling. This villain has no bounds.

I got nervous when I thought Tiger was going to get bit but Spidey made himself the prime target as he sacrificed himself to get her out of harm’s way. I need to read what happens next! I must!
Aferus chapter 8 . 10/1/2018
Enter Dracula. Hmm... I’m still trying to gauge just how much of a threat he is, but based off what we’ve seen so far and his capabilities, it’s safe to say he’s one guy worth noting to stay out of his way. Hopefully our band of heroes will make short work of him... but I doubt it’ll be that easy.

I’m glad to see that Tiger got around to apologizing to Spidey. It really got to him and it just goes to show that she really cares about him, maybe more than she realizes. But, it’s sweet nonetheless. I kind of wanted that scene to last a little bit longer but it was the right amount!

I’ll only be able to review this one chapter tonight, but rest assured, I’ll keep tackling them! Great chapter, excited to see what happens next with Dracula!
Aferus chapter 7 . 9/30/2018
Oh no... What’s wrong, Spider-Man? There’s definitely something up with Peter. I had my doubts that perhaps this was temporary but it’s visibly eating him alive now. His dialogue suggests that maybe he feels bad for upsetting Ava and that he just doesn’t want her to be mad at him but that’s just a hunch.

The dialogue between the other heroes also underlined the subtle hints of feeling that Peter might have for Ava. You wrote that part very well. I seriously was picturing a scene out of the show when that was all going down.

Having Deadpool talk to Spidey was a nice touch too. I think showing him in an emotional support role, however brief, is a good way to fully utilize the different layers of the character to the maximum. Deadpool isn’t all fun and games all the time, anyhow.

Another great chapter! I really enjoyed it! I have to turn in for the night here, though. I’ll continue reading tomorrow night. Great job!

I also found it fitting to be reading about Dracula as we cross into Halloween.
Aferus chapter 6 . 9/30/2018
Haha, Deadpool! Love that guy. Man, this was a good chapter. I liked it primarily because of the banter and because of Black Widow’s character. I’m not sure if you realized this but you gave her a good chunk of development in her conversation with Tiger. It was very well put, in my opinion. I REALLY liked it.

Now that they see Dracula’s involved, they’ve got to get the heavy guns in. That’s understandable. They’ve practically an army of heroes on their side now. Unstoppable, right? I guess we’ll see.

I wonder what Ava feels. Is it remorse? Maybe she’s worried for him? You depict that rough exterior of hers very well, while showing hints at how she really feels deep down. I’m interested to see how that develops! Is it romance? That’d be neat.

Another great chapter. Good job!
Aferus chapter 5 . 9/30/2018
Hmm... I wonder what’s in the bag. This is pretty unsettling. You do a good job of keeping that tension hidden between the lines. Now I’m eager to find out what happens next.

I like the inclusion of The Avengers and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. I like seeing more superheroes depicted and it gives some varied diversity to the story. Were they depicted in the show? Again, I apologize that I haven’t seen the show past the end of S2.

The few comical moments in the chapter was enjoyable too! It gave a bit of light in the serious undertones of the chapter, with everything going on. I’d still like to know what’s up with Peter. I feel bad for him. I know how that feels to be “moody” and everybody ask what’s wrong when sometimes you just want to be left alone to process your thoughts.

Damn. I’d wish Ava would get off his back too. It’d get annoying. He just went out of his way to save her in a training scenario and she still treats him like crap. Shame. Hope it improves.

Another great chapter! Moving onto the next.
Aferus chapter 4 . 9/29/2018
“We have a situation.”
If I had a dime for every time I’ve read in a story involving S.H.I.E.L.D...

This was a really good expositional chapter and I love that you got things rolling fast. I generally can’t stand, even my own stories at time, when I have to wait for some action or special dialogue to happen.

I liked this because Fury got to speak to both Tiger and Spider separately and kind of got both their sides of what’s going on. While we haven’t discovered why Tiger’s being so cruel to Spider or why Spider’s been down in the dumps, we can infer it based off context clues.

Good addition with having Coulson talk to Peter in the end. I liked that because Coulson was able to peel away enough for me to infer that Peter’s got some loneliness attached to him and perhaps Ava is inching towards who his heart yearns for? Cheesy, I know, but this is a possibility.

I wish I knew more about the characters that spoke to them while they were being patched up. While I know a few of them, I don’t know their roles in the show. But, it’s okay, quick searches and reads gets me up to speed.

Another great read, my friend. I’ll bookmark it here for now as I must rest, but I will continue tomorrow night. Great job.
Aferus chapter 3 . 9/29/2018
What an action-packed chapter! Whatever’s on Peter’s mind must really be keeping him down. It’s so uncharacteristically like him to be this down, especially in a fight. Whatever it is, it must be that serious.

Ava didn’t help with her methods of yelling and screaming at him, but the few times where she showed a hint of concern for her teammate was a very nice touch. It showed holes in her “armor”, or “rough exterior”, if you will, and gave this very subtle indication that she was genuinely concern. But, of course, the simulation was a bust.

I wonder what they’ll have to say to Fury. Another impressive chapter! I regret not reading this sooner now!
Aferus chapter 2 . 9/29/2018
1.) Holy shit, amazing cliffhanger there.
2.) Amazing.

I regret to say that with all my interest in the community that I haven’t watched anything past Season 2 of the show. S3 and onward never peaked my interest so I don’t know anything that happened with Grandmaster or the Collector. I apologize. However, I see that this is working on its own story so I’ll go with that.

I can see where you’re hinting at Spider’s loneliness here. I mean, every Superman needs his Lois Lane, am I right? Coming home to see your Aunt with Coulson definitely can be a punch to the heart when you’re feeling that type of way. But, I like how you caught us up to speed with that tidbit where she knows he’s Spider-Man, otherwise I would’ve been confused! Thanks!

But, the rest was great! I absolutely loved the initial part of the training session with Tiger and Spider, mostly because of my obsession with seeing those two together. Now I’m interested into seeing what happens next. Great chapter, my friend.
Aferus chapter 1 . 9/29/2018
If one is to receive such a support from a friend, then why not return that same support back? It’s what this community was built on, after all.

So, this prologue starts off interesting enough. I can see that you’ve introduced Lord Dracula very subtly. I’ll admit not to know much about Marvel’s version of the character. But, all the same it’s intriguing to see this dark side start off like this.

His interest with Spider-Man has me nervous. I hope he doesn’t do anything to him! Great start. You’ve kept this short and sweet, enough to hook me into the next chapter!
Musafan3882 chapter 42 . 4/21/2018
Hey I've got an idea and it's up to you if you listen to it.
it's what exactly happened between Blade and Werewolf in the show maybe something happened between them romantic or broken trust?
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