Reviews for When the Sun Rose
April-Showers82 chapter 1 . 9/10
You did a wonderful job explaining why Gohan wears glasses. It was definitely something that I was wondering about. Great idea and start for a sequel.
goku2134 chapter 30 . 8/23
Hi I’ve read through this fic too in a very short time! Just like the first one I’m loving this too and the direction your taking it :) one of my fav reads definitely please update soon :D
thedarkpokemaster chapter 30 . 5/21
Sweet work on the chapter always makes me smile seeing a new one when it gets updated.
Gamelover41592 chapter 30 . 4/27
Awesome bardock is coming ho,e XD
TheOrangeRobo chapter 30 . 4/27
Aw yeah. Bardock's ready to kick some bubblegum and chew ass, and he's all out of ass! Wait...
Gamer of Action44D chapter 30 . 4/27
I hope you’re not implying that Gohan fights Hit with the Z sword because weapons are illegal in this tournament. And cool for Gohan but too bad for kaiokens dramatic return
TheItchyCocoon chapter 30 . 4/27
Another great chapter! loving the interactions between grandpa Gohan and Bardock. makes you question how Bardock would have been raising Goku. now j can't wait to see what happens next!
Luke chapter 29 . 4/27
...oh, I guess the chapter was reworked then. Looks good!
FriedSteak chapter 29 . 4/24
Welcome back! Thank you so much for continuing this amazing story!
luk1519 chapter 29 . 4/17
Never enough of Bardock abusing children. Glad you updated, it love the way you portraited Bardock and the family dinamics. For me you can kill Bardock every chapter if that is what we will get.

What if in next fight he will get both arms and legs amputed then killed?
Gokuu the Carrot chapter 29 . 4/16
Lol "Just in case."

Enjoyed ;)
Luke chapter 29 . 4/16 know what, this story just took a steep curve upwards! I can see the increased skill of the author when compared to earlier chapters.
DemonEnded chapter 29 . 4/16
Great chapter! I absolutely love this story due to the way you write the characters and their interactions. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Insalata chapter 29 . 4/16
Poor Goku! Lmaoooo
TheItchyCocoon chapter 29 . 4/16
Glad to see this lovely series continue once morethis chapter was certainly interesting, the I love the conflicting personalities between Gohan and Bardock here. curious what will happen with the poor time traveler though
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