Reviews for Learning to Read
Guest chapter 1 . 2/3/2018
The Whitebeards are so supportive!
You write them so well
Why do they have to be fictional
I want to be adopted
Everyone is so sweeet
Except Teach - I have a burning hatred for the traitor
May he suffer a humiliating defeat and drown
-your procrastinating reader
authenticaussie chapter 1 . 7/2/2017
Ahhh, this was really cute, and really wonderful! I love family stuff, and just? Disabled headcanons are awesome? I think my favourite scene was when Ace was reading to Whitebeard ahHH god my heart, just ? "sorry, about my stutter." "What stutter? Please, continue" ah HHHHH that was just too cute!

Thanks so much for writing and sharing this!
Tsume Yuki chapter 1 . 3/26/2017
It's so cute I cried. Thanks for the fluff, it was lovely to read,

SoulMore chapter 1 . 1/1/2017
DescendingSnow chapter 1 . 5/23/2016
Y know what popped in my mind? Fyou, Teach. Fyou. Yup. He's still a li'l birch.
Yueres De Leo chapter 1 . 4/6/2016
this was lovely~
Guest chapter 1 . 2/9/2016
I realy like this story! But seriously ... It usually takes years not days. ..
Trickster Madness chapter 1 . 12/6/2015
the way i learned the difference between lower case B's and D's is that as capitals they both face the same way, but B comes first so is gets to face that way and D has to change its direction, i know its stupid but i thought it might be something you'd like to know. Also this is a really great story, i love it 3
SkyGem chapter 1 . 12/1/2015
Awww, this was so so sweet! I absolutely adored it and while having Teach there kinda totally sucked, I understand why it had to be done. I just love how supportive everyone is of Ace.
The Magical Kaitou KID chapter 1 . 11/24/2015
...Teach is still a dick.
CrowsCall chapter 1 . 10/7/2015
Learning to read for a dyslexic is difficult (I am a third (maybe fourth) generation dyslexic). Finding coping strategies such a large print, farther spaced letters, having a colored over lay, making sure I am calm, not stressing, hearing, seeing, and writing the word repetitively, learning to reconquize and read the word not individual letters are all things I've done to become a sufficient reader.

I am one of the most high functioning dyslexics because of being able to get tons of help. The fact that people on the ship know how to handle someone with dyslexia does make sense of the speed up process. But in (in my experience) takes at least a year to catch up to the age group if the person is determined. Though by Ace's age, it would be harder. Also anything written by a dyslexic need to be thoroughly read threw by someone else. Spelling mistakes, and misuse of words are highly common even my dad (who is both dyslexic and a teacher) has to use word checks and reread his work many MANY times before posting it or sending it off. Either way if you are going to write another story with a dyslexic character feel free to message me and I'll be able to give you information on dealing with it.

Anyway, your story line is sweet and good but it lacks in the detail that could make it great. If you wrote expanded on their feelings, thoughts, and facial expressions it would in my opinion create for a better experience for the reader especially if it was done through action. The langue you used was also for the most part basic which isn't always bad but in times of great emotions for the characters using more dramatic langue helps set the scene. For instance in the first paragraph you wrote "There was an unwelcome, weary silence on the Moby Dick..." if you wrote. "All talking ceased creating a weary silence to fall over the Moby Dick as Marco if he were anyone else stomped through the halls. Once he was out of sight the crew members began to exchange looks. "Do you think it was a prank?"
"It had to be."
"No, I bet it was paper work."
"Someone could of insulted him again."
"No you idiot then we would have seen someone be thrown of the ship." It wasn't soon before bets began to be exchanged as they looked down the hall. One of the newer crew members looked at the others.
"Shouldn't we follow him? You know, to know who whens the bet?" He was silenced by a hit to the head.
"Are you an idiot? It would only bring his anger on to us!""
Not only is there more actions in this but also it paints more of the scene by having others doing something. Even if by knowing about "One Piece" we would know there was other people on the ship it would make it more part of the picture that the reader paints in there head by adding in more dialogue and characters. It also in my opinion by adding in the dialogue and not just saying whispers and bets took place that it gives it a more anime/manga feel.

Some people might love your writing style and it is good but I am a bit of critic. Which is why I haven't posted much on here. It doesn't come out how I want it. I hope I wasn't to blunt or hurt your confidence, or feelings. I just know that I want someone to say to me 'oh...this is good but you could do better by doing this...' so I can grow as a writer. So I make sure I do that for others as well. I am not trying to flame you but give you some advice I guess is the only way I can put. (and now even through the internet I am sure my social awkwardness is showing.)