Reviews for Killing Your Dark Future
Tenzalucard123 chapter 32 . 4h
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Vein Bloodborne chapter 32 . 4h
Wave finally snapped. Given how he's basically like a dark colored Tatsumi, it was bound to happen sooner or later. The fuse has been lit and now all we have to do is wait till the powder keg blows, question is, how big of a boom it'll make?

And it seems that Tatsumi has met another possible girlfriend, can't wait to see what happens when they reunite.
R-king 93 chapter 32 . 8h
Awesome story
Guest chapter 32 . 14h
joder gran capitulo lo adoro ya lo esperaba con ansias espero la proxima actualizacion
NinjaFang1331 chapter 32 . 10h
Excellent update
Mike Kromer chapter 32 . 10h
Must have more asap. love it so far, keep it up. can't wait to see what happens next. looks like cosmia wants some tatsumi loving now lol. Wonder if dorothea would show up and want him as well lol. Wonder how mimi/ears is doing and if she'll be back lol.
Laffurt chapter 32 . 10h
Great chapter, can’t wait to see what happens next.

Keep up the good work.
Toa Solaric chapter 32 . 11h
It's great to see how Bol and his family make it out of the capital alive!
StrongGuy159 chapter 32 . 12h
Cool chapter continue please.
Tony Anderson chapter 32 . 13h
Oh boy, next chapter is gonna be off the chain, can't wait! Know what? Last update was around Christmas, and this update, my birthday is next week, so that's nice! Looking forward to next chapter! Hope you stay safe, too!
dark knight discord chapter 32 . 14h
gran capitulo me encanto espero el proximo con ansias
Absolute Fury chapter 31 . 7/12
Love the story, but I can’t help but think that the harem is big enough already. Anyways, hope tatsumi masters the forced evolution form soon

Looking forward to whats next
Hippie Painter chapter 22 . 7/8
Dude I love how you did a sene for BioShock infinite what a great game love it
Zero Shadow-01 chapter 2 . 7/2
Nice work so far! I’m glad Sayo okay, but I wonder when will she wake up
Zero Shadow-01 chapter 1 . 7/2
Can Tatsumi can his dark and bloody future and those connected to it?! I’m very curious to see what happens next
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