Reviews for Seducing Naruto
derektomlinson chapter 8 . 3/1
shaking his head naruto saying to his wife are you sure how would our kids react to the news of them having two moms instead of just one
Guest chapter 1 . 8/9/2019
Had to use a damn clone in the end..
kuro02 chapter 10 . 10/27/2018
the sasuke hooking up with ino was kinda ehhhh...other than that great story
Guest chapter 10 . 9/15/2018
I dislike sasukes character so dont like how he got 2 wives but at the same time i can see it happening ino is a shallow bitch. And sai ? Really wtf obviously kishimoto had no one to pair her with
ninawick2015 chapter 1 . 8/17/2018
ndn. nnnnndnnbdnnsnndnn n dn. nnbdndbnndndnbddd bddnn dndnndn dbdnd dndnnnd. dndnndndndbdnndn dnnnnndb d dnnndn. b ndnnd nnndbd bdndn nnndndfnnndn ndnn ndnndnndndn nnndnnnn gxv"vvccvcc'vvv svc z. ffg uhh uffhhfggggfguhgffuugf cu fgfg cu fffuguffuug if uhh uffffuf girl ffffufufguugfuhhfuuug gggf uhh ffuf uhh uufuff uhh uffg uhh igffuf h guguh uhh uffufuffifgfughuuuffufuhfu cu fuffguuf uhh fufguffggufuuugghhuhguf uhh u cu ffh huh h if uhg if uhh ug u uhfuh uhh u;hhuxo/Taft yt? yyyuyyyyyyty t66t6tt66 tttyffttt t ytyyttut yt? tytfy yt? tyt tyt y yt? y yt? y y ft f ft tyyffftffttfttyfyyfftyyyyu yt? yt? tsc. . 2 x x. Xx. xc2 .c x. x. . x c x. v.x. x. c. c. c cc ,'.'.,'
,,.cnxn b b nnn v'b...?.,.?..?
cb b,.."",.,..',"..."...".."."..,mc
ninawick2015 chapter 1 . 8/17/2018
ndn. nnnnndnnbdnnsnndnn n dn. nnbdndbnndndnbddd bddnn dndnndn dbdnd dndnnnd. dndnndndndbdnndn dnnnnndb d dnnndn. b ndnnd nnndbd bdndn nnndndfnnndn ndnn ndnndnndndn nnndnnnn gxv"vvccvcc'vvv svc z. ffg uhh uffhhfggggfguhgffuugf cu fgfg cu fffuguffuug if uhh uffffuf girl ffffufufguugfuhhfuuug gggf uhh ffuf uhh uufuff uhh uffg uhh igffuf h guguh uhh uffufuffifgfughuuuffufuhfu cu fuffguuf uhh fufguffggufuuugghhuhguf uhh u cu ffh huh h if uhg if uhh ug u uhfuh uhh u;hhuxo/Taft yt? yyyuyyyyyyty t66t6tt66 tttyffttt t ytyyttut yt? tytfy yt? tyt tyt y yt? y yt? y y ft f ft tyyffftffttfttyfyyfftyyyyu yt? yt? tsc. . 2 x x. Xx. xc2 .c x. x. . x c x. v.x. x. c. c. c cc ,'.'.,'
,,.cnxn b b nnn v'b...?.,.?..?
cb b,.."",.,..',"..."...".."."..,mc
Sc chapter 10 . 3/6/2018
write more super great
Sub0 or subzero chapter 8 . 1/16/2018
Threesome threesome if I don't see a threesome ima live a baday comment
But anyway great chapter (naruto still get more girls than me in a week)

Oke i think I'm good now wait doesn't this mean he could have fucked other woman with hinata's approval
I'm goingredients back to crying
Guest chapter 6 . 1/15/2018
I fucking hate naruto now he gets to have a threeway with hinata and hanabi oke im done with crying now
Anyways great chapter
Really fucking great
I mean can't I get a threesome
NO it has to be naruto I'm going back to crying in the distortion world in pokemon
Sub 0 chapter 4 . 1/15/2018
Ima speech less
Sub0 chapter 3 . 1/15/2018
Dude were do you get these ideas
It's a great book
Sub0 chapter 2 . 1/15/2018
Dude it so ... I can't find the words
CODE 0 chapter 1 . 1/15/2018
I have to know does naruto get laid by hanabi any time in this book
I have to know well next page
Thanks i already seen all the naruto movies and anime so this is knew fresh and spice
You have a gift
mrpeeples chapter 10 . 8/27/2017
Really liked it. Would Hanabi end up having a child with him in the future or would being clan head (for some reason) get in the way in your universe?
UnlovedAngelZ chapter 6 . 4/25/2017
Good story you've gotten better.
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