Reviews for Vegeta vs Cabba
dragonball256 chapter 1 . 5/21/2017
Wow this was great. I loved this. Really could go so many ways.
Matthew Everwoods chapter 1 . 4/19/2016
Wow, cool your writing style is exactly like mine, dialogue heavy which tells the story. For me it is very pleasant to read because of the similarities in storytelling. Vegeta vs Kyabe in Super was sooo feaking Amazing. I was tearing up when Vegeta said "Surpass me." and Kyabe started tearing up from joy. Gosh Vegeta has changed into a great guy yet very arrogant still.
Darkstar6195 chapter 1 . 4/14/2016
I wish you would write more

But that would mean less YouTube videos...

It's interesting how Cabba is trying to become strong to protect his family, which at one point was what Vegeta theorized was the source of Goku's power

We know it's the source of Pan's (hint hint nudge nudge)