Reviews for Wizard DXD Volume 1: A New Life
Safira chapter 13 . 7/12
Please continue your story is amazing
Guest chapter 10 . 6/30
This shit is wack
Kalladin1989 chapter 13 . 6/9
Great story but are you ever going to release part 2?
Eternalking500 chapter 1 . 5/15
Awesome story, this is an amazing crossover fanfic, i hope you update again soon.
PurpleArrowhead chapter 9 . 4/10
it's always nice to have antagonists with morals and a code of honour
PurpleArrowhead chapter 7 . 4/10
OBJECTION! It is not fun to cook for other people, I would much prefer if I were to be alone, brooding, in the Batcave lol
PurpleArrowhead chapter 5 . 4/10
'how I met your mother kuds'
PurpleArrowhead chapter 4 . 4/7
*Pretends to be a loving couple, ends up becoming one anyway*
dragunpfeonyx chapter 13 . 8/2/2019
Es ist schade das du die geschichte nicht weiter vervolgt hast ich nehme mahl an das dir die Muse abhanden gekommen ist denn wir haben schon deine geschichte ist von sind drei Jahre schreibblokade,oder eine andere unterbrechung beim Schreiben..Nahja was deine geschichte betrift sie hat mir gut ist es ergerlich das die versprochenne vortsetzung nich gelifert wirt.
Memento Mori - The Truth chapter 13 . 7/17/2019
Chapters are a bit short, otherwise it's not bad. The only other complaint I have is the uff uff uff thing. It's normally the other way around (fu fu fu), which is an anime cliche, but uff uff uff sounds more like someone's choking to death than laughing of any sort.
serpeach chapter 9 . 6/12/2019
Harry's a M?
Lahmikhara chapter 13 . 5/7/2019
I really enjoyed this story. It's a shame it looks like the next installment never made it since honestly it's off to a really good start.

The Woolly Llama chapter 1 . 1/20/2019
You realise Hades is pretty crap at his job do you know how many beings broke in and out of the Underworld; may as well have put a revolving door on the place.
Guest chapter 10 . 1/16/2019
Honestly Harry attacking Rias was pointless.
iStyx chapter 3 . 11/4/2018
The so-called Master of Death isn't able to fix his eyesight and has to wear glasses? Really?
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