Reviews for Harry Potter and the Chrysalis
Guest chapter 27 . 7/30
First of all, I love how you took the trope of dark Harry and twisted it into something beautiful. A lot of fanfics are only one dimensional -they make Harry completely dark, remorseless, and unrealistic. But instead, in this whole series, you made Harry conflicted. Honestly, that was one of my favorite parts of the series. The fact that Harry was a dynamic character that struggled with his choices and struggled with who he was. That made it so much more exciting when he succeeded and so much more bitter when he failed. Also, THE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. wow. The changes that Harry went through as he aged, and the experiences that caused them all combined realistically to create Harry, who seems like a real person at this point.
Next thing that made your fic stand out was the writing style. I absolutely love the way that you write, and I love how you wrote differently depending on whose POV it was. Every character, especially Tom and Harry's, seemed so unique and different and interesting. Plus, the emotions that you managed to convey, the stunning descriptions that you wrote, they were all incredible.
Honestly, this is my favorite fanfiction ever. You took a classic story that, imo, was alright and transformed it into something infinitely more interesting and compelling.
Lastly, I wish you the best in everything, and I hope you find happiness! Thank you for writing this!
libraryrockerr chapter 1 . 7/19
I cried.

Ems-g chapter 26 . 6/22
continued because I accidentally clicked enter so this is the second half of the review from the next chapter
but does Voldemort even spare children? Like he went after Harry and took children hostage in the 7th book, but we don't know too much about his actions towards magical children. Considering the growth that Horcrux Tom went through, I don't think it is too out there to presume that at the least, Voldemort would not have been kind to muggleborn and potentially halfblood or blood traitor children.
I cannot believe I forgot Harry's third - technically second - political move. His work in supporting Alina financially with her Magical Orphanage!
Harry really is establishing a firm basis that he is working for children's rights, especially with him trying to protect the Avery children and how badly he took Jordan's suicide.
I think that with horcrux Tom's aid, he could really make a third side to the war that could sway a lot of Voldemort's base with children over to Harry's side. Because we saw in canon that Narcissa literally lied to Voldemort's face to protect her son so I don't think that it would too much of a stretch that children who witnessed Harry Potter wandlessly and wordlessly break Draco Malfoy's arm and has the Black gold behind him, would doubt that he would have the power to actually make a legitimate third side to the war.
I say third side because we all know that Harry is gonna swoop in after Voldemort's defeat and use the shambles of Wizarding Society to rebuild a more isolated and better world.
I was slightly irked that Hermione, now that I remember it, that she placed equal blame on all muggles for climate change when there are certain individuals that do carry more blame since they actively encourage the use of fossil fuels and halt measures meant to promote cleaner energy. I appreciate that she is still just a kid and it took me years to realise that not everything is black and white. Although I would hope she realises that some people have more culpability than others before allowing Harry to sterilize 10% of the world. Because honestly I've gone down the Eat the Rich rabbit hole and I would feel bad if an event like the forced sterilisation of minorities for the crime of being black or latinx would happen when there are some people who actively harm climate protection, clean fuel, universal healthcare etc with their continued existence, hoarding of wealth, and ability to influence others or have impact on laws and policies
Then again, it is still a few years off from Harry's plans to cull muggles in order to protect the wizarding population so the plan might develop further than this iteration
Ems-g chapter 27 . 6/22
I reread the entire story because I had the updated chapters in my inbox for ages due to things piling up so decided to just get a total refresh and boy am I glad I did it!
I noticed so many more excellent points along the way and appreciated character choices and actions so much more with the benefit of having already a small inkling of what they did and why but this time having both while reading
I noticed especially the decline of Tom's conversations with Harry as time goes on which I thought was so fascinating in light of the prophecy interpretations. Like Tom was such a huge influence and person in Harry's life when Harry had such a crappy life. And as Harry gained friends and family and influence and happiness, Tom seems to be going more hands off at times. Just in comparison to the early days because back then, Tom and Harry only had each other and so they could spend more time actively communicating
But I thought it had such interesting tie ins to the prophecy and how canon events seemed to have Voldemort gain strength when Harry entered Hogwarts and actually gained strength himself. Whereas with Horcrux Tom, it seems like the reverse. Like the horcrux in Harry has quietened down as Harry blossomed into an incredible young wizard, along with Master Soul Voldemort gaining strength
And the way Harry masterfully took down Umbridge and dealt a blow to Fudge's base was incredible. I can definitely see why Dumbledore was concerned because Harry allowed many other children to suffer while the article was researched and later published but it also fits in way more with this Harry rather than canon Harry. Canon Harry was all heart and tried to take on Umbridge's ire by himself whereas this Harry has Tom constantly telling him not to make waves so he is more used to observing and striking at the point of most impact. And strike he did. It reminds me of his post-Dursley reveal letter where he didn't point fingers but focused on a universally supported issue - magical children's welfare. Here Harry used Umbridge abusing magical children as the foundation for having her removed from the school and imprisoned. I think it could be such a telling point for Harry's later political goals and ambitions, that his two major political actions that he personally initiated, were both about protecting children.
Honestly, I could see that being a rallying point for Harry's future support because does Voldemort even spare
ducafar chapter 27 . 6/13
Hey, so I became quite fond of this story so I thought I'd leave a review.
First things first, your story is so unique, in so many ways, even though you'd think the "dark harry" plot would be overused everywhere.
It's awesome how Harry isn't just dark and evil, but he isn't the perfect gryffindor without any ambition, which makes him so much more interesting.
However, it feels like Tom is less and less present in the last chapter, which is a pity. I've grown to like him nearly as much as Harry, and imagining them apart seems impossible.
Anyways, I look forward the following chapters ! :D Thank you for this amazing story
KenHz chapter 27 . 6/12
So I just caught up with the sequel. Don't beat yourself up, you're doing great. It's true that the story got a little self indulgent for a bit there but in spite of that I kept on reading until the end. I really enjoyed the Dumbledore/Harry relationship in your story and I'm curious to see how things develop between them until his death. I'm also rooting for Hermione. If anyone can find an argument that's going to change the way Harry thinks it's her, especially now that Dumbledore's got him second guessing his development. I'm generally averse to any portrayals that mess with the canon sexuality, but your story has so many redeeming qualities it doesn't bother me as it otherwise would. Especially your portrayal of Harry's budding bipolar disorder (or rather his disthymia with major depression in remission and a single hypomanic episode)... very realistic, without any romantic exaggerations. Don't pay too much attention to the haters; even at its worst it's still a fantastic fanfiction. Take whatever time you need, readers will still be here. All the best!
Sakuragane San chapter 27 . 5/24
Hey, it's great that you got out of and have recovered from the abusive relationship. It's also great that your work has taken off. If the continuation of this story is detrimental to your health, please don't force yourself to. Your health and your life come first. It's been a pleasure reading the Arcana and the Chrysalis. Perhaps one day we'll get to see the notes and some sort of outline of the ending. Best of luck with your projects!
Ace Renning chapter 27 . 5/14
Has anyone adopted this story by any chance? I really like this story, and it is definetley my favorite HP fanfic of all time it was such an interesting story to read. It was not just a repeat of Drarry or other Cliche fanfics. You are amazing at writing by the way!
Guest chapter 18 . 5/11
seriously, all you do is talk about shit. I feel like you're just writing shit down. nothing connects to the story and what does connect to the story is so fucking dull and its a pain in the ass to read. write something related to the damn story. A little action wouldn't hurt.!
d4rkf0x chapter 27 . 5/1
I don't know why, but this story makes my brain itch in really odd ways... you should upload the rest of the story.
CoboltDragon chapter 27 . 4/30
If you feel up to it I, and most likely a lot of others, would probably really appreciate it if you could post a short description of what would have happened if you had continued the fic. Just for closure.
Corentine chapter 25 . 4/26
Well. I'm glad it's not a health issue this time. Take care.
Corentine chapter 16 . 4/25
I... know this is delayed but I hope you're alright.
Corentine chapter 11 . 4/25
I just have to say... you've given me a craving for Harry Theo slash and unfortunately, I am yet to find any good fics to satiate this craving. However, I really like this fic. Thank you for sharing your work!
Warga chapter 27 . 4/23
Quite a good story I hope you continue it, and that your life problems resolve themselves abd that you feel emotionally better.
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