Reviews for The First Generation
HeartOfChaos13 chapter 1 . 7/19
I think that this chapter Is great and the story seems Interesting.
WT Aids chapter 1 . 7/18
Does Izuku get a quirk
engel17white chapter 7 . 5/17
creo que deku esta muy mal enfocado con la situación, el lo ve como algo que se puede o se debe "arreglar" y no es así, esta situación no es una pieza que se arregla y listo, esto es un tornado que envolverá a todo el planeta, destrozándolo todo y no hay "NADA" que el pueda hacer para evitarlo, lo único que puede hacer es construir un refugio lo mas grande posible y llamar dentro a todas las personas que pueda hasta que el tornado termine (metafóricamente hablando claro) y ayudar a reconstruir lo que se pueda reconstruir y demoler lo que esta demasiado dañado para ser reparado
T6a5n6k8 chapter 35 . 4/23
bauers374 chapter 1 . 4/22
Interesting side note here, Professor X's school actually has had non-mutant students...
bauers374 chapter 1 . 4/22
So since MHA was already Reverse X-men, I guess we've officially gone full circle
PasiveNox chapter 35 . 3/2
yeah noce
PasiveNox chapter 30 . 3/2
hmmmmm great
PasiveNox chapter 27 . 3/2
ho damn noce
PasiveNox chapter 21 . 3/2
PasiveNox chapter 11 . 3/2
hmmmmmm wonderful
HunterQwon chapter 35 . 2/19
I really like this.
Full-Paragon chapter 3 . 1/26
Wait, we're not going to do the lying for no reason thing? Yay! I always hated that. Secrets are stupid when they get people killed.
Full-Paragon chapter 2 . 1/26
Still very interesting. I find the idea that quirks have always been with us to be a compelling one, and one that makes sense. Great writing so far, I'm enjoying it.
Full-Paragon chapter 1 . 1/25
Holy crap an actually interesting AU. I could personally do without the Japanese honorifics, but I know some people like that so I won't let it bother me too much. That said, your characterization and world building are awesome. Izuku and Bakugo as the founding member of what amounts to the X-Men? Sign me right the hell up for that.
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