Reviews for Catalyst
Motherofthehord chapter 59 . 9/3
This is a scary story.
Thank you for writing.
SuperSaiyanTeemo chapter 59 . 7/3
A very great story, the type of harry potter/starcraft crossover I've been looking for.
Guest chapter 59 . 4/30
Congratulations on finishing your story. It was an entertaining read and something to be proud of for sure. Don't be ashamed of your first work not being perfect.
ProjectZion chapter 23 . 4/23
This story is brilliant but honestly I'd come for the Author Beta banter alone xD.
ScepticalOne chapter 58 . 4/16
Alright, it was a genuine suprise to see this get a notification, but a welcome one.
I feel like this could evolve into an entire sequel story with how these stories effect the universe now, but that seems like a fairly large undertaking.
Did you mean to post the same Chapter twice? because the naming makes me think otherwise
s.k.f.f.f chapter 59 . 4/15
thanks for the amazing story it's been a long 3 years I would say. I'm glad though Kuna survived and was hoping some kind of acceptance on her, but who knows.
Nyx the Author chapter 59 . 4/15
Damn, I can't believe it's been three years since the start of this story. My stories are that old but I haven't updated in ages. Thank you for dedicating yourself to such a long process and reaching as far as you did in the plot. Good luck on whatever you decide to write next!
E.L. Girralo chapter 59 . 4/15
I for one would love to see a sequel, but you absolutely should take a rest if you feel one is needed. I hope you stay safe out there in these chaotic times.
Henri9897 chapter 59 . 4/15
First of congratulations for finishing your first fic, that's pretty rare. That fic was really fun to read and as you said not the best but certainly not the worst.
Will you continue writing ?
StoryCrafteer chapter 59 . 4/15
I've never reviewed before but I remember finding this story the day it's first chapter released. At the time I was looking for something to satisfy my after reading The Swarm of War, this story did that, it has been a long journey and life has so drastically changed since I read that first chapter. Thank you for your work. Take a well deserved break.
Harbinger Of Destruction chapter 59 . 4/14
With time comes wisdom, and with every action comes Experience. Writing is one such action.

But while the story may have been flawed to some(Mostly due to the admittedly weird plot), a few of the characters remained sound. Or rather just the one who started it all.

For after all, an Evolution Master's work is never done and will always seek perfection in all things. And that is what I feel you've encapsulated for Abathur, spot on.

Until next time.
Harbinger Of Destruction chapter 58 . 4/14
An interesting (even left on a cliffhanger) Conclusion.

May Luna find peace, Humanity it's Courage, and The Swarm it's Freedom.

En Taro Zeratul.
Valasania the Pale chapter 59 . 4/14
I've enjoyed this story from beginning to end - sad to see it come to a close, but for my part I think you wrote excellently. Cheers, and enjoy your break :)
Kragh chapter 59 . 4/14
It was good. Far from perfect, of course, but good nonetheless. I hope you'll update this story to tell us if you post a new story, because I'll definitely at least take a look at it.
Akuma-Heika chapter 59 . 4/14
Well, it's been fun. I am a little surprised its nearly been 3 years since you started this though. Time flies :p

Hope to see more stuff in the future.
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