Reviews for Kamen Rider Faiz: Song of Paradise-Second Verse
PNidus chapter 10 . 4/5
Yes more of this please I love it

Also Dame you for that cliffhanger with Maria, Nastassja and Orga/Natsu
Shunya Toshiki chapter 10 . 4/5
Great work on this chapter. So Yugo has a bit of a history with Haru, I can't wait to see what that is about.

Best of luck on your next update.
TheEmeraldMage chapter 10 . 4/5
All right you are back! And right off the bat we get some answers like Yugo actually knew Haru and Natsu is indeed Orga all along. I already had a big feeling that one of them was Natsu since who else would be equally as ballsy as his brother, though Yugo is also as ballsy. The chapter itself was very good as we saw the exchange break down, Hibiki still wanting to help others and Miku I think? Realizing her jealousy towards Haru's closeness with Hibiki. I am still unsure about her mood but hey the shock on Maria's face was fantastic. Though, the whole everyone just having a chill conversation in not one but two serious moments was a bit distracting as it broke the tension between the two moments. Plus when Kanade mentioned the whole Hibiki, Tsubasa and Chris will save Haru if he goes berserk, it made me go really? Because the last time this happened, Hibiki just stood there and the OCs were the ones to fix the problem. With her saying that, it should mean that the girls will actually save Haru this time but still at least he has the trigger for his wolf form and overall, it is nice to see things coming full circle though I am very about what you said about him not being with 2nd Division after this. That does not bode well but good work!
Vigo Gundam Otaku chapter 9 . 3/28
Nice Series man keep it up
JGResidentEvil chapter 9 . 3/15
So what are your thoughts on the mobile game where Hibiki and Miku's friends also become Symphogear users?
allego420 chapter 9 . 2/29
Hope Haru get's his gear back
fireycom21 chapter 9 . 2/22
This is a question. Is Haru's character here made to not remember his elder brother and his best friend or sister now that psyga and orga would reveal their faces to him? Or did he had anmesia after becoming a orphnoch?
Nexus240 chapter 9 . 2/22
Ah, a bargaining scene!
Shunya Toshiki chapter 9 . 2/22
Great work on this chapter. Very nice. Like how Orga and Psyga/Yugo had rescued Haru from Smart Brain, here's hoping he gets his Faiz Gear back soon.
Rider09 chapter 9 . 2/22
...Face Reveal! Keep up the good work!
Fir100 chapter 9 . 2/22
Good to see a new chapter for this story. Looking forward to the next one
TheEmeraldMage chapter 9 . 2/21
I don't know how I am supposed to feel about Psyga and Orga being the ones to save Haru, especially since it kind of undermines what Division 2 were trying to do, but I will let it side due to Kanade teasing Tsubasa about taking Haru out on a date(that better be a chapter), Miku further feeling bad about being useless when even she wants to help get Haru back to the big reveal of who Kurenai is, Hibiki being a cute Eevee from Pokemon and the fact that Haru is you said still a bargaining chip which makes me think will the exchange happen during the Skytree chapter or after it? In any event, it was nice to see a new chapter after it being so long, chapter overall was very good and I understand, classes are hell. Just keep up the fantastic work!
silvioalpha49 chapter 7 . 2/16
What happened to the story? Are you abandoning or something ?
Kamencolin chapter 8 . 1/13
Well when it rains it pours, surprise it took them this long to go after family
HackerEX chapter 8 . 1/12
When you titled the chapter as it is, I knew that this was not going to end well. However what I did not expect was how much worse it would become for the heroes.

Also, with Hibiki's family now in on the secret, it's gonna make the eventual adaptation into GX very interesting
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