Reviews for Hermione Granger, Demonologist
MarkAntimony chapter 11 . 7/25
This is a wonderful take on Hermione. I would have loved to see the other books get fleshed out.
sweetxfire chapter 11 . 7/22
I love the last little chapter that gave a small synopsis of the rest of the years. really glad I found this story, I liked it a lot.
hypnoticageregression chapter 9 . 7/20
I love this story. This bit always makes me cry. Also, I read your profile updates, and am wishing you and your lovely family all the best in this strange time.
wyanmai chapter 11 . 7/13
Lol the only plot hole in this story is that there’s no way Harry could have survived to 17, let alone destroyed any horcruxes, without Hermione’s help.
mionepls chapter 11 . 7/10
i can not even put into words how much i love this story! hermione & the demons’ camaraderie is incredible. i love how you preserved hermione’s fierce dedication to her own set of morals. thank you so much for sharing your words with us!
maipigen chapter 11 . 7/1
Best Hermione fic I have ever read! Wish there was more but am thankful for the epilogue!
Tametiger chapter 11 . 6/30
I really enjoyed reading that, the ending was vague but good. In my head Lady Hermione went on to rule the world. :)
S chapter 11 . 6/27
Wow. What a different version of Hermione. Loved your portrayal of her innocence and longing as a child and standing up for herself and terrifying the other girls when they pushed her into a corner. Yeah, sad it couldn’t be developed into a longer story but happy for what is here. Kinda wish you had been able to write more Hermione stories really as I enjoyed your style of writing. Anyway, thanks for writing this one! I’m sure I will return to it for another read.
so perfect it hurts chapter 10 . 6/20
Such a hilarious yet amazingly well written story. I love every bit of it. Deeply hoping there is a sequel.
Posting on this chapter because I'm rereading and already reviewed last chapter LOL.
AveRomani chapter 11 . 6/20
I love this story, but I also think that maybe you should write a few short snapshots of what Hermione did during the interlude between Voldemort's second 'death' and resurrection.
Guest chapter 11 . 6/16
oooh hoo hooooooo.
readwritemm chapter 11 . 6/9
I love this story! It’s so cute yet dark! Thanks for writing :)
Difdi chapter 4 . 6/7
Given how willing to work hard on getting circles and triangles perfect, and how loyal she is to her friends, Hermione shouldn't go anywhere but Hufflepuff. Slytherin isn't the House of Dark Magic, and she doesn't have any sort of overriding ambition. The ambitions she does have are to gain knowledge, which is Ravenclaw's motivation not Slytherin.

She's categorically NOT a Gryffindor. Slytherin and Ravenclaw are poor fits overall. She's obviously a Hufflepuff.
JustADaoist chapter 11 . 6/6
great story. My only regret is that it does not cover the whole entire story in full comprehensive detail. I would also love for more details on this 'fun' that Hermione would have. Still, great story for while it lasted.
Kamillia chapter 10 . 6/4
Shame this won't be longer. It's a very good story and happens to be the only one where I love Hermione. Normally she's always been a 'meh' character for me. But somehow you've made her a dark witch without changing her characterization at all, which is very hard to do.
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