Reviews for Pawn of Fate
Paradoxreader chapter 8 . 6/22
Hahaha i genuinely think it will be hilarious when everyone see jaune payong attention, jotting notes down,staying back after classs and always asking for extra lesson with prof port and ask him to brung him on a hunt or get class material in the forest aka the grims...haha then later on port became jaune favourite teacher interesting and can see pryahha and jaune bond will start to form n hope in the future more focus on jnpr as a team cause they are my favourite team due to the just natural organic flow they have that the other team don't...somehow they truly feel belong with each other and more so than most other team up thats due to plot or jnpr just seem fated or meant to be together if it makes sense ...just like how arkos is but sadly cannon decide to kill her way to early
SilverBladeStar chapter 8 . 1/9
I don't really like the the ending of the Port fight. Port himself is pretty great, but the ending fell flat and didn't make sense to me. Like, what did he learn there? A new opponent can help, but it seems like they are just beating the crap out of him instead of teaching him new things. Unless they make an effort to train him, just fighting someone so far ahead of them all the time is not going to help him, just crush his spirit. That's what it looked like to me, he was loosing so bad all the time without seeing improvement he lost heart. I was looking forward to Port helping him out, and it looked like he did, but I don't see how what he said or did helped him.
Dethcat chapter 8 . 10/29/2019
Damnit, I want more
CrimsonBolt1 chapter 8 . 10/12/2019
I love it when Port is competent. Nice update!
Guest chapter 8 . 10/10/2019
This is actually a very good story in my opinion. Especially since it shows the progress of how Jaune as a pawn will grow
Josh Spicer chapter 8 . 10/10/2019
Right, so now that he just got his shit torn into him by Peter (which I get even if it's more brutal than I would've preferred) he can actually show progress right?
PasiveNox chapter 8 . 10/9/2019
Hohoho nice
FrostyChops chapter 8 . 10/9/2019
MANLY MEN FULL OF MANLINESS! Steps were taken and Jaune is on his way. (Always like the portrayal of Port never exaggerating, it's fun)
ZenithTempest chapter 8 . 10/9/2019
So I realize my review to last chapter may have been less then helpful, so I've gone back through earlier chapters to try to find something more constructive. One thing I think that could really help this story maintain its 'focus' and keep the reader involved is explaining, even if only partially, what makes Jaune so special. You've shown him to be important to Ozpin and Salem in the first 4 chapters, and then had him get curb-stomped by the professors for the last 4. While there's been some growth for Jaune's character here and there, we mostly have him being beaten to a pulp by the professors because he's special, but have no idea why. At a certain point, you'll want to start getting into that, as it is the 'hook' for this story, yet hasn't really been touched on.
Xealchim chapter 8 . 10/9/2019
Bloodborne reference? nice
PasiveNox chapter 7 . 10/4/2019
Very noce
PasiveNox chapter 6 . 10/4/2019
SentinalSlice chapter 7 . 9/25/2019
I love how you write the character interactions. It’s really realistic and this story is so immersive. I also like the alone time that Jaune gets when he is fixing his equipment, it’s like a natural breather, but also for the story, not just Jaune.
Anyway, please keep up the great work!
CrimsonDemon666 chapter 7 . 9/25/2019
Do I sense a certain chameleon faunus coming our way in the future? I can't wait to see what's next. Please keep up the good work.
JustAFool chapter 7 . 9/25/2019
Weiss the Winter Maiden? Jaune the new apostle of Fate that is supposed to replace Ozzy? Must know more ...
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