Reviews for THOR Alter: Digital Story
Dragonoid x shoutmon chapter 70 . 7/5
I love a lot
Rider126 chapter 70 . 7/1
I take it that after this arc is over we will get into the arc where Gyro and Pyrrha get upgrades for their partners mega forms?
DragonForceAsh chapter 70 . 7/1
Royal Knights, awesome keep it up
DragonForceAsh chapter 69 . 7/1
RHatch89 chapter 70 . 7/1
Awesome update :)
Joanne Frances Tiano Cajilig chapter 70 . 7/1
Wow looks like our side heroes got an upgrade... ( • ̀ω•́ )
NeoJay7 chapter 70 . 7/1
I was honestly thinking that Armageddemon would show up in the future but guess not. STILL waiting for that VictoryGreymon and ZekeGarurumon appearance you teased us with in opening 5!
Nomad118 chapter 70 . 7/1
Wow. That was intense. Diablomons came back to get revenge. But Sakuyamon, Dynasmon, Duftmon, and Dukemon managed to finish them off for good.

Things are gonna get intense in the future of the story.

Anyways, best chapter ever! :)
guest chapter 70 . 7/1
Okay that Kotemon becomes one of the Royal-Knight was something i already expected after her Perfect-Level turned out to be Knigthmon, but Wizardmon to Dynasmon was a real surprise.
That makes now 4 of them (5 if want to Count Kudamon because we all know what the Ultimate Level of that i going to be)
Nice work, Keep going
Stormquake the Elementalist chapter 70 . 7/1
i thought it would have made more sense for kotemon to become Crusadermon/LordKnightmon seeing as she is the only female member of the royal knights (cannonlly speaking)
foxchick1 chapter 70 . 7/1
I am loving this.
Guest DCDGojira chapter 70 . 7/1
To author
Awesome chapter! And yeah, I didn't see that coming!
guest chapter 65 . 6/21
good chapter
And one Thing i do kno About Knightmon i that the majority of their possible Ultimate-Levels consists out of the Royal Knights
If that actually happens i really wonder which one is going to come out it.
Phoenix Champion chapter 69 . 6/19
If any readers are actually Reading the comments, keep in mind that despite everyone knowing a very popular version of a Greek Myth- Remember that these were once handed down orally, so there are about 20 different versions of the same Myth.

Heck despite it almost never coming up in most of the myth incarnations, I've heard a version of the Heracles myth in which Herc ends up sleeping with the Monther of all Monsters herself: Echidna... And having kids with her (Whom ended up Human for some reason)
Rene Andrew Mendoza chapter 69 . 6/19
Actually myths have so many different version that it's quite hard to even understand what is the actual story.
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