Reviews for Sennin No Yoko
Guest chapter 5 . 8/24
Bro amazing story I hv never been so angry that someone didn't make a sequel chapter then today
Guest chapter 2 . 7/15
The thing about canon and ff story naruto I can't wrap my head around is EVERY story (all of them) say that naruto has nearly limitless stamina and chakra reserves that put the kages to shame... (that's starting out)... Well if he has all that, then why does he pass out after EVERY FIGHT? That doesn't even make any sense.. Shouldn't his "opponent" die from exhaustion DURING the fight before that ever happens? ALL stories have him winning a fight and FALLING FLAT ON HIS FACE, OUT COLD.. But that should be an impossibility... TIRED? Yes... Exhausted? No... Actually the only "exhausted" he should get, is MENTALLY exhausted.
Guest chapter 2 . 7/14
Essentially Sasuke is a FUCK UP... He's "average" at best as a ninja.. He mastered the tree climbing exercise at the "SAME TIME" as naruto, even though naruto has FAR, FAR more chakra... He (only one including sakura) almost committed suicide upon first SEEING zabuzza... He passed the scroll to orochi (when it obviously didn't matter)... He doesn't need "promoted" for AT LEAST several YEARS and that's without the "curse mark". Basically the mark, puts him in the same category as naruto and anko as far as the people... "He's orochimaru's".
Guest chapter 1 . 7/10
Why would kakashi say "you couldn't even do a simple summons"? Almost nobody on their entire WORLD has a summon... And only jounin and UP ever have them at all... (there are NO chunin, and most definitely NO gennin anywhere in the entire story... EXCEPT for naruto and MUCH LATER, somehow*never explained*, sasuke). It's kinda beyond dumb. In fact... In all of konoha *excluding naruto and sasuke and tsunade as she's not in the village* there are only 5 people with summons AT ALL... 1. the old toad, 2. Damzp, 3. Gai, 4. Kakashi, 5. the third. That's it... In the entire village!

"I had sensed foul play but I couldn't find the true culprits"... So why didn't sarutobi try to FIX the damage instead of wasting his time being an idiot? (kinda OBVIOUS who had to be in charge of the damage isn't it?... It would have to be parties high up in the village and that had a LOT of contacts.. If it wasn't hiruzen... Then it was his "council"... That's really the only two choices). He SHOULD have been helping and reversing everything from the start... *To hell with public opinion.* Not just continuing to compound mistake after mistake.
diegoossorio1 chapter 1 . 6/18
update please two years is too. much time for a hiatus
Guest chapter 5 . 6/12
Naruto hasn't even GOTTEN to his first opponent yet, and you stopped the story? (garaa is his MAIN opponent).. This crap with sasuke, was just WAY over done... He (sasuke) should be bounced COMPLETELY out of the ninja program after this little stunt. He went against DIRECT orders, broke the help he received from higher-ranking shinobi AND took it to level 2(which shows he's in DIRECT cooperation with a KNOWN enemy of the village)... Yeah, he just threw away his headband (and possibly his citizenship) also his reputation is now GONE (he basically peed all over his own family's name, IN FRONT OF EVERYONE). So "he's toast".

Nobody is coming back from that, AND even the elder council or hokage can't save him this time (it would look bad in front of the other leaders and in front of the diyamo, so more or less, he SCREWED himself hardcore in this one! NOBODY can offer a "save" here, even if they WANTED too, their hands are TIED politically this time!)
Guest chapter 5 . 6/8
Jiraiya has already been TOLD the old prophecy is gone... SEVERAL TIMES by SEVERAL PEOPLE... Why do you keep reiterating the EXACT same thing over and over? And why would Jiraiya stare in surprise.. And she "turns to Kakashi with a glare"? Wasn't he JUST "detained" and made to go with ANBU commander? (you just said it right before switched to the hokage podium!)

Other then the GLARING logic problems, NOBODY has solved ANY of the long term problems with the village, the daiymo is SUPPOSED to be in attendance and that little ESCAPADE should have CERTAINLY grabbed his attention (along with the crowd's reaction) (seriously sasuke going level 2 with that many witnesses was just IDIOTIC!) But for the most part, pretty good chapter... The invasion seems almost like a WASTE of time at this point, they KNOW they have NOTHING that can combat the fox... and now two sannin basically in the village kinda makes the "invasion" a suicide mission.
Guest chapter 4 . 6/8
How does Jiraiya with his "spy network", that he's supposedly been taking care of ALL THESE YEARS, not know about an invasion that about to happen on his own home? How is that "protecting Konoha"? He needs to "EARN" naruto's trust and that should take every bit of the amount of time naruto's been kept on the ropes... SO YEARS! And absolutely no time-table told to him!
Guest chapter 4 . 6/8
Hinata cries her eyes out, tells him, she just lost EVERYTHING and is gonna be made a SLAVE and naruto STILL turns the entire conversation around to make it about HIM?! Sheez... Again with the "uchiha-level" ego? Also with all this, doesn't Naruto have A LOT more to worry about then "winning" against Negji?... Hinata just said it DIDN'T MATTER, she's lost everything already, anyway!

The old man tried to help? NO he didn't... He was the one that TOLD everyone about the sealing in the first place... And why not tell the clans about naruto's parents? I mean they should have KNOWN looking at him, but the village really seems to need everything spelled out for them, SEVERAL times in exact detail. Also this "civilian council"? Their only there because hiruzen LETS them be, they only had a say in naruto's life because hiruzen ALLOWED them too! Yes I would say AT least jiryia, hiruzen and kakashi are NOT "good people", or "heroes" OR even "friends" and never will be! "allies" possibly a long way down the line, "one day", or "someday"... Since that's about as specific as the time-lines they give naruto for everything! When they "prove" they are worthy!
Guest chapter 3 . 6/8
This time makes EVEN LESS sense then last time! Again Hiruzen is a BLABBER-MOUTH, but this time sasuke is mad about naruto getting a week of training? There are still THREE WEEKS of training... Also how the fuck would he even know, if kakkashi dropped him off? Plus jiriyia was SUPPOSED to make a training schedule for AFTER the exams... PLUS kkashi should still be training sasuke for 3 more weeks (or maybe he went to train sakura)... Plus how in the hell is orochi supposed to be there for an ENTIRE week?! Not to mention the curse seal level 2 gives off a HELL of aura that orochi wouldn't know how to block(remember he SUCKS at sealing) and an entire VILLAGE of sensors (plus the barrier around it). Oh and RIGHT NOW kabuto isn't KNOWN as a servant of orochi... And sasuke wouldn't listen to him anyway. (AND again...AT THIS POINT, sasuke is supposed to trust that the curse mark needs sealed up... Remember he hasn't seen the sound four use theirs.. ALL his does is give pain and mess up his chakra),,,
Guest chapter 2 . 6/7
"why couldn't it be me instead"? REALLY? Because it was HER fight, because it was an exam that the combatants were CHOSEN in, because negji hates HER, because negji is a complete and utter DOUCHE-BAG... Not everything is JUST about HIM, you know.. That's nearly an "uchiha level" of egotism.
Wolfone10 chapter 2 . 6/7
I don't get this... Naruto doesn't "understand one thing I read"... HE'S 13! Not a toddler... Yes under-educated, but SO WHAT? He should at least COMPREHEND things! (consider in 3-3 1/2 years, he's gotta go from THIS, to leading nations and killing S-ranks on a daily basis... Making him DUMB isn't a good idea! You can't make him dumb as a post and then comment on how "sharp his mind is" next sentence!) The human body isn't much more then a very complex device (like he'd use in trap making) everything is connected and works together in certain ways. AS far as the contract... The cover story never even gets used in the other one and shouldn't here.. Simply because you ALREADY told the biggest BLABBER-MOUTH in the village about it!(the third) So really what's the point?

"a place to call home someday"? Someday?.. When exactly is that? In NUMBERS? I hate how everyone in the series has these GRANDIOSE ideas for naruto's future, but NOBODY can give ANY time-frames or ANY numbers, plus NOBODY will start on telling anybody anything, in order to IMPROVE the situation or START moving him toward this! It's Pathetic! Change doesn't just *POW* miraculously happen, it needs to be (usually) FORCED ALONG! I personally say, after the chunin exams, EVERYTHING is told to EVERYBODY there. (after all iwa and kumo would ALREADY know how he was after the invasion... There is no point hiding it anymore). EVERYTHING should come out then.
zeroimpulse000 chapter 5 . 4/1
Awesome story can't wait for more
Dark Neko 4000 chapter 5 . 2/17
What will happen next time
Donald Thompson1 chapter 5 . 12/8/2019
Please continue story
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