Reviews for Finding Family
Guest chapter 1 . 6/17
I loved this
Rebmul chapter 1 . 5/3
so wait is the childs name mirai or biwako cause you changed it from one paragraph to the other
Dank chapter 1 . 3/30
I really liked it, but I wish there was more family moments with Mirai!
MrWalkerMan chapter 1 . 1/18
I really liked the story except the Sakura-ish bashing. Yeah, it was subtle, not outright but it was still there. I honestly just hate bashing in general. Heck, I hate it when people bash Orochimaru, of all people.
look2019 chapter 1 . 10/11/2019
I liked the one-shot!
Mr.LightYagami chapter 1 . 7/3/2019
So sweet. Damn kurenai you lucky bastard got a man that have ton of stamina especially in bed.
joey91731 chapter 1 . 4/30/2019
loved this story
KHARAKI TAKAN chapter 1 . 4/12/2019
This was an amazing read.
draco122 chapter 1 . 3/27/2019
that was great and sweet i loved it. One of the best for this pairing.
XxDragon King DragneelxX chapter 1 . 3/27/2019
Its brilliant i wiuld love to read something lime this but longer!
lostxinxthexdarkness chapter 1 . 12/31/2018
Great story, although I'd love to see an epilogue or a sequel, either way I really enjoyed it. Keep up the great work!
DeathKing24712 chapter 1 . 12/12/2018
Beautiful.. absolutely Beautiful..i liked the beggining cause it was Funny as hell.. hahaha.. Shikamaru with all his smarts.. does'nt know how to handle children? Hahahaha.. poor guy i wonder how he lived at being a father.. damn now i'm thinking HOW did he's father even survived... then There's the Drama.. damn... the Drama and background of the story.. is very good as expected... i really liked the confession of Naruto about Sakura.. and you actually showed the reasons of why i hate her..

You showed good examples of internal problems from both Kurenai and Naruto.. as well as how a person will act when faced by these kinds of problems.. especially Naruto's problem..

Anyways.. the time skip was honstly needed since... this would be too long if it had no time skip... and to be honest i'm not to keen with Romance and Drama... and such... especially Broken Romance.. it partly has to do with the dude.. (not man) crying over a girl leaving or cheating on her, i mean... the hell?
Now i know that i should'nt talk like that since said dude would say that i don't get what their feeling thing... that's wrong.. i have a lot.. of experience with this kind of thing... actually.. and i NEVER cried in ANY of those times... i just accepted it and moved on.. and i commend you for somewhat applying that mindset in Naruto...

And Yeah that's basically it...
Sorry if this is not a complete review of your story... but i'm not really into Romance and Drama tooo much Romance and Drama WITH action.. then Yes i can deal with that but Those two Alone? Meh... so yeah...

All i can say is that this is... VERY well written the plot is expectedly WELL thought out... a one of a kind Naruto x Kurenai Romance Fic..
You really did your research in this one...

Good Job...
Hope to read more from you...

Best of luck in your Journey..
Ja Ne!

- DK
Bryuu chapter 1 . 12/5/2018
I'll be honest, this isn't my go to ship for Naruto.
But this was goddamn adorable!
Cranky Monkey 699 chapter 1 . 11/4/2018
Bahahahaha that ending had me rofl.
Roger That Silently chapter 1 . 9/25/2018
This was great. My first one shot I enjoyed in a long time. thank you for writing this story
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