Reviews for Winter Memories
quaker212 chapter 9 . 9/14
Very interesting .
TheSlySage chapter 9 . 4/14
btw your bio says to message you for more stories... so you have like a vault of em?

also do you take requests?
TheSlySage chapter 9 . 4/14
such an interesting concept tbanks for writing!
BreatherOfInsanity2 chapter 9 . 4/10
I love this fic
hypernova2718 chapter 9 . 4/8
Thank you for the update. Though, I think I am just as confused as Jaune is about what is going on. Comparing to the "Distance (3)" chapter, it seems Jaune has promised to not leave Winter as well as Weiss now. I do not know how that will play out.

Keep writing.
Tetho chapter 6 . 4/8
Ey, just have the two sisters marry him HAH!
Guest chapter 7 . 4/3
Well, there's several different possibilities for THAT cliffhanger.
Guest chapter 6 . 4/3
Of course the next chapter explains it. :P

Though multiple times through is concerning. Looks like the reason why Jaune is having memory issues is that he was dying at the time. Though if Jaune remembered in the other loops...
Guest chapter 5 . 4/3
Looks like Jaune and Winter had some time traveling thing. Gonna guess Winter is, in this stories' verse, Weiss from the future, and Jaune ended up going into his past self. But doing so scrambled his memories. Well, barring Winter also having sent her own memories back instead of being able to come back herself.

Jaune amplifying her aura might be why she managed to make it intact, while he ended up having swiss cheese memories. If not him having to have memory loss to actually be able to stay alive. Considering how Winter seems to think Jaune remembering is a bad thing, but also saying 'remember me' in the dream/memory he had. Where it turns out remembering caused issues.
Guest chapter 8 . 1/4
Continiou please
BorderLand chapter 8 . 10/21/2019
So Arc and Schene family are probably the oldest families on Remnant possibly going all the way back to the age of Gods because really who else could have put this curse, damned gods always screwing things up.
BreatherOfInsanity chapter 8 . 10/7/2019
This story is really interesting, I look forward to reading more!
IROCK108 chapter 8 . 9/15/2019
0akarigan0 chapter 8 . 9/13/2019
Que bien. Que regresas a terminar esta historia.
hypernova2718 chapter 8 . 9/12/2019
Thank you for the update! I appreciated the flashbacks. I am still not quite clear on the time-travel memory setup.

I am glad you are continuing the story. Keep writing.
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