Reviews for Whatever the Cost
Guest chapter 8 . 2m
Jaune is the Sam of their group, he may seem like the least useful of them by far, but the journey is sure to end in disaster without him
Guest chapter 8 . 4m
This is very good
julio lucero chapter 8 . 1h
hahahahahaha wait they were being serious then let me laugh louder HAHAHAHAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA. please in all the volumes one thing is certain is that jaune will be left alone everyone will have someone in their life he no rooster teeth they killed pyrrha so there are no arkos, nor lancaster because they put the farmer that let's be realistic so much hate can not be held
Rogue-eL chapter 8 . 6h
This story is very interesting so so much so. And from what I can tell team rwby is sadly to late. Oh how juicy this story is.
ATNF chapter 1 . 7h
I just want to see the betrayal lol, it will be glorious. Great chapter!

ZenithTempest chapter 8 . 8h
So I rather like this story, though I think there are some ways to improve it. Firstly, I tend to think some of the characters come off as one-dimensional, though that's how RT writes them so in some cases its forgivable but I feel a few characters could be expanded. Chief among them is Salem. This may be more of a personal preference but villains are generally more interesting when they have some depth, thus far, she seems more like the mustache-twirling villain than anything else. Ancient and corrupted she may be, it'd be interesting if her relationship with Jaune were more positive, particularly given what he wants, he's almost a mirror of herself when she was human. Right now though, she just seems to take advantage of him.
Jaune too, could use some tuning up, though I think that's a matter of you trying to show him pretending to be alright around the others, but it ends up looking disjointed and like a constant personality shift.
Secondly, some more POV changes could be helpful. A sidebar with Qrow and Ozpin on what they think about Jaune's behavior would be worthwhile, especially after Jaune's speech essentially being Hazel 2.0. In fairness, you have done some Ren and Ruby POV, with the former being the personification of Jaune's feelings, but Ruby kind of falls flat. Though again, I'd say that's a matter of her character being a bad 'power of friendship' trope, so in this kind of story she comes off as unserious.
All in all, I like the story, especially since most villainesque-Jaune stories have some ham-fisted betrayal impetus, this is a much better set-up. However, this story seems to have all the hallmarks of a bad end for Jaune, which kind of takes the fun out of it, especially if that's not your intention.
EternalInternalScreaming chapter 8 . 9h
On one hand, it was great to show off Jaune's internal conflict

On the other hand, his little dichotomy doesn't really hold up: by DEFAULT you first action should be to prioritize a member of your own team over other team's

Regardless, a great chapter. Looking forward to the next
Guest chapter 8 . 12h
Jokes on him he's doing all of this to get Pyrrha back but I heavily doubt GoL would allow the Relic of Creation to pull souls from the afterlife. If he made it then it's going to fit to keep the balance he's so obsessed with.
Chrome94 chapter 8 . 12h
Nice to know just how much the team never considered Jaune feeling after all this time. I'm glad Jaune admit he has no one to shoulder his sorrow but I hate Ruby naive speech about wanting to help him. It's already to late for him and he knows it. I never considered Weiss, Blake and Yang as friend to Jaune
even after all this time. I hope in the real show Jaune doesn't fall for Weiss again or have her fall for him after he saved her, that is shallow and weak on Weiss's part. But I'll humor this trying to help him, only to see it backfire on them to show them that they're some things that you can't save and Jaune is one of them
Horrorfan247 chapter 8 . 13h
This was another good chapter. From looking at the other Volumes. I can see where he is going, after Pyrrha’s death, he doesn't really have another partner and feels left out. I wish this was discussed in the main show rather than make him Comic Relief
Engineer1869 chapter 7 . 8/25
Glad to see this getting updated.

I like how Jaune chose to not get a haircut and saw how flawed keeping Ironwood in the dark. Also it was nice seeing the Jaune have that talk with Ren, along with Ren recommending that Jaune see a therapist.

Unfortunately since Jaune is working for Salem and his it as his best chance to get Pyrrha back, he isn't going to do anything to defuse the situation with Ironwood and its likely that the therapist isn't going to be enough.

Keep up the good work.
Ouroborosdragon chapter 7 . 8/21
Josh Spicer
I don’t think jaune distancing himself from his friends is a good idea. He needs to stay close to them, so he can keep an eye on Oscar because he has the lamp and ozpin and so he can spy on his friends for Salem. Distancing will only bring unnecessary attention and suspicion on jaune. Like the old saying, keep your friends close but your enemies closer.

When jaune speaks with Salem again, he should ask her is there a way to permanently kill ozpin or at least seperate his soul from Oscar. So they can trap his soul in an object. Like the horcruxes from Harry porter. A cool suggestion would be to make jaune into a double agent, like snape and itachi uchiha. He can still hate ozpin and want to get rid of him permanently but he also knows Salem’s no better either and must be destroyed too. He should only tell one person of this plan, to make the betrayal believable (maybe ruby) but this just my suggestion. It’s up to you wherever you go with this idea or not, I’m just happy this story is updating again.
Josh Spicer chapter 7 . 8/21
Oh. So he's already decided he's going to betray them. Okay.

I mean...I get why. Ruby is becoming like Oz and making blatant mistakes regarding their relation with Ironwood. Just seems weird to be so contemplative one chapter and the next be like "alright who wants a heel turn?"

Oh god. Fuckin Ren and Nora. I didn't bother finishing Volume 7 but I know of the many things they fucked up on they were one of 'em.

"This is what we trained for." For, what, three semesters? To be involved in a war for humanity against an unkillable master of all grimm who's immortal? For a forever-reincarnating being who's arguably as manipulative as the Grimm Queen herself? No, Ren. You went to school protect humanity from evil. Not to be involved in a giant game of chess over the lives of the world.

Surprised Jaune isn't at the point of shrugging Ren's hand off.

A change you could make? Have Jaune not go back to Atlas and instead shack up with one of the moms, thus worrying his friends even more and have tomorrow's mission be more distracting.
Guest chapter 7 . 8/21
It is good to have you back friend
Ouroborosdragon chapter 7 . 8/21
Yes! You’re finally back! Good to see this story updated again, you almost had me worried that you abandoned it. The only criticism I have is that I wish the chapters were longer because i have blown through this story countless time re-reading it. Sorry about your computer and family issues.

It’s so hilariously hypocritical for ruby to keep her mouth shut, when she kept Salem’s immortality a secret, lied about what happened to ozpin and told ironwood that the lamp at no more questions left (like what oz did to them) but got angry when ozpin kept secrets and blabbed about her private conversation with jaune to her friends. I also find it hilarious that ozpin had thousands of years to stop Salem and unite humanity but never thought to unite them against her. After all Salem is the queen of the Grimm, humanity’s enemy. It highly likely that they’ll band together, once they learn that humanity’s enemy, the monsters that have slaughtered them for centuries has a leader. Also they don’t technically have to kill her but stop her, like imprison her (maybe seal her in one of the relic vaults) or break her curse. The gods said she’ll have to learn the value of life and death than she’ll be free to die.

It would be cool to see rwby, Nora, ren and Oscar acknowledge the similarities between Salem and jaune. So when the betrayal comes, they’ll understand why he did what he did.
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