Reviews for When Remnant's Need Is Greatest
Kstagr01 chapter 5 . 5/3
Are you going to make Excalibur just as powerful in the movie king arthur and the legend of the sword
Tetho chapter 5 . 4/14
Another interesting story bites the dust :(.
merendinoemiliano chapter 5 . 2/9
Sounds a nice chapter, hoping trough to see soon Excalibur in action and possibly some more space for the others. Good work.
The Ancient Irish Viking chapter 5 . 2/9
oooo, lore!

im happy to see this updated again, i still cant really see ren as merlin, but everything else is great, i love your stories.
IHateGenericCereal chapter 5 . 2/9
Didn't expect to see another chapter of this, neat. Looking forward to more.
merendinoemiliano chapter 4 . 7/2/2019
Interesting chapter.
Nightflash 478 chapter 4 . 6/19/2019
This story is amazing, so glad someone is finally writing a story using classic Excalibur and caliburn stuff instead of fate/stay night :D
Greed chapter 4 . 6/16/2019
Arthur love Guinevere?
That the most bullshit thing I read.
That whore deserved death.
Hell, in some story Lancelot killed her himself after she betrayed Arthur and cause his death.

She is whore who enjoy cheating. I have no idea how anyone would love her unless he is cuck.

Let Arthur have his true love instead of that cheating whore.
DoctorSurgeon chapter 4 . 6/14/2019
I'm really hyped for this story and im wondering if you will give Jaune Rhongomyniad and Avalon later in the story, and if so how you will introduce them to him?
Dragon Bone Z chapter 4 . 6/13/2019
Who is Bors?
MeteorElDrago chapter 4 . 6/12/2019
It would seem that Jaune is not who he thinks he is so keep up the good work and i can't wait for the next chapter update.
The Ancient Irish Viking chapter 4 . 6/12/2019
I'm extremely interested in this story.

Im also shocked, i really thought oobleck would be merlin

i am intrigued as to where this will go!

Keep up the good work, your amazing!
UnderRoyality chapter 1 . 6/12/2019
Fuck, this thing is awesome.
The Ancient Irish Viking chapter 3 . 4/29/2019
Oooooo jaune X velvet is really under done, i love it, i can't wait till more of this comes out, i think this might be one of my favorite stories on fanfiction so far, continue the amazing work man, i know writing is hard and motivation is difficult to come by, but I truly hope this keeps going and blossoms into an amazing story
Juancholo chapter 3 . 2/3/2019
I do wonder though if the sword that was used to stop the great war during the great war was shown in the WORLD OF REMNANT was actually the equivalent of Excalibur? Sort of like like in the dark tower the man in black mentions that the two revolvers used by the gunslinger is the by-product of having a magical sword melted down in order to have the two guns he has. The same sword that in earth is the equivalent of Excalibur.
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