Reviews for Blessings In Disguise
Guest chapter 1 . 8/26
Have you forgotten about the story
Guest chapter 20 . 8/26
What happens next? Can u please update
Guest chapter 20 . 7/31
When r u gonna update? It's been 6 months!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/20
Where are you?
AmethystWriterx chapter 20 . 7/11
Hi, there! I love your story and of course I love how you made Aatrid's character! I read these character for 2 hours and it worth! Please update soon!

I really want to see when Astrid go back to Viggo and Ryker. Dunno, I just want to see Hiccup lost Astrid and that's for real that time, and when they reunite again, oh, that would be so interesting!

And, whatever you give us for the next chapter, I believe that will be great! Once again, please update soon!

Keep writing!

Guest chapter 20 . 7/4
Can u pls update. It's been months
Guest chapter 20 . 5/30
Hello? It's been like 3 months. Where r u
Guest chapter 20 . 5/21
R u gonna update?
Guest chapter 1 . 4/12
2 months with no news from you...
Guest chapter 20 . 3/27
Please update! Your story is sooooooooo goooood!
Susanna D chapter 20 . 3/5
Please get the next chapter done.
Captain Bunnies chapter 20 . 2/28
I'm going to start off by saying that I've really enjoyed reading this, the way that you've showed how Astrid would be different is very entertaining. Seeing her internal struggles were personally irritating (as I can't put myself in her state of thinking). However, you did a great job of getting it across so I understood it. I am truely excited to see where this story goes and ends however, this last chapter really annoyed me with how close the reveal came to be, it felt forced that it wasn't revealed espicially with Stoick being suspicious and her even talking with her dad but being interupted last second. Like I said for the most part this has been a great story but the last chapter did rub me the wrong way. I do very much enjoy this story and look forward to more.
P.S. I hope this didn't come across as too negative, not my intention.
CajunBear73 chapter 20 . 2/21
A mixed emotional bag in her visit to Berk for Snoggletog, Astrid has to carry. For a little longer.

What is known is she has friends in Berk and their Allies, but Berk's tribe members gossip too usual.

Meeting with Stoick and those I believe are Astrid's long lost family, set her paranoia aflame, with the gossiping Berkians adding their ongoing fuel to that fire of hers to flee where she believes she doesn't belong...

Stoick had better have that conversation he should have as Astrid's resemblance to a grieving family member is sure to be a game changer in Viggo's plans to win all that he deigns to claim is his to win...

Hiccup's going to have to kill Viggo and Ryker before this is over, or Astrid's draw, however carefully managed by the self-described Game Master, to them will never end...

A decision made, but announcing it to be done in the future...Hope Stoick's suspicions about Astrid are confirmed and brought to her before she runs off again...Or that's going to be what goes down...anyway.

Vivi-ntvg chapter 20 . 2/20
Oh... That wasn't the reunion I was expecting, this was much better haha.
And man, Astrid's really fucked up, isn't she? I wonder if she'll change her mind...
CHSHiccstrid chapter 20 . 2/20
Gah! It’s so beautiful! Astrid whyyyyy?! Nooooooo! Stay! Of course she looks like your wife! She’s your daughter! Stoick! Put the pieces together! Hiccup stop being oblivious and help her! And finally Astrid. Admit those feeling for Hiccup! Everyone except you and Cami wants you to! I think Hiccup says that quote.
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