Reviews for Tangled Threads
Guest chapter 13 . 7/17
Still loving it...thanks fir continuing to write it!
Pangaea J chapter 13 . 7/15
That was so good, I want to read more now! I look forward to seeing Jack's reaction and how Sam handles this.
RoyalsRulez chapter 13 . 7/15
What is it with Mark pushing Pete onto Sam so much? Its weird, it's like the only kind of personal life she can have is only one HE (mark) approves of. Did he not ever see them together, or know that his best buddy actually Stalked his sister? I get he pretty much hates the USAF, but he hasn't seen what they(Sg1) all have gone through. Any chance he and the family will? Fantastic story and writing by the way and exactly the kind i was looking for. Thank you for posting & keeping this fandom alive and going!
Thanks TinkStar87 for the recommendation, & if you're reading this cuz hope you are feeling better. Mwah
kahuna chapter 13 . 7/14
Mark's hands are balled into fists? He's angry?!

That's actually ... creepy. It's Sam's relationship, not Mark's. I hope she kicks his ass.
dpdp chapter 13 . 7/14
Wow. Mark is mad. How does Sam explain this. More please.
Becpea chapter 13 . 7/14
Oh Mark don’t be an idiot! Time for Jack to swoop in and calm everything down?!
Guest chapter 13 . 7/14
Well it sounds like Pete has been left on the side of the road which is thumbs up from me. Hope you are giving Jack & Sam a happy ending. Looking forward to your next update.
LoneWolfOneill chapter 13 . 7/14
poor pete, got figured out as a fraud. okay, om really smiled that potato head got kicked to the curb. i can see jack playing whiffle ball, best game ever right next to dodge ball.
RadioDog77 chapter 13 . 7/14
we're gonna hitch hike on the De'Lorean
RadioDog77 chapter 13 . 7/14
i would totally be on board with watching the 1908 World Series game just to see them win, sign me up
jag389 chapter 13 . 7/14
Nice to see Jack forming a bond with the kids. Here we go with Mark. I hope you and your are still well.
Till next time.
PatriciaS chapter 13 . 7/14
Opps and it was such a lovely evening, now will Sam have the strength to tell Mark how things are and why. Great chapter and thanks for sharing looking forward to the confrontation.
DwarfRunner chapter 13 . 7/14
Ahhh, no! Things were going so well!
houghtam chapter 13 . 7/14
Uh-oh... lol
Mini Goat chapter 13 . 7/14
Oh quit doing things just because people tell you to do it Sam. Mark has no business being mad.
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