Reviews for Worm: Babel
BETAsatchel chapter 12 . 6/22
An interesting combination of Worm and the Cthulhu mythos. Always felt bad for Burnscar in the cabin and this is just makes me feel sadder for her in the original story. Same for Bonesaw but I am interested in seeing what she does under the Yellow King's influence.

Great story man. Can't wait for more
Sir Bob the 1st chapter 11 . 6/4
Ah hell now I've got diabetes
CorruptedFlame chapter 12 . 5/29
Ehh, I don't really like Armsmaster referring to Lung and Kaiser with colloquial sayings over a tactical net, it just seems unprofessional honestly. If he's panicking then I want see it from his actions, not from how much Fanon invades his speech. The PRT and Protectorate are security professionals, I just can't see them being so lackadaisical over radio.
CorruptedFlame chapter 8 . 5/29
I love this story so damn much.
Sir Bob the 1st chapter 12 . 5/27
This is good memes
Toffeecat15 chapter 12 . 5/22
so i had a diastrous thought, what if Annotater!Taylor met Varga!Taylor
Sir Cookie chapter 12 . 5/10
Yeees, cat lady is go.
Guest chapter 12 . 5/6
Shaker yes
This is solid gold
Eagerly awaiting more, gonna read everything else you've written now
minion chapter 5 . 5/5
This diction is great fuck that guy
hainbane chapter 12 . 4/30
Nice story. Hope you wont lose inspiration to write more.
Yinko chapter 9 . 4/25
What is this, My Little Lesbian: Parahumans are Magic?
FractiousDay chapter 12 . 4/15
It’s ok but you’ve substituted lovecraft for silliness which brings the quality down. This chapter was also all over the place
pepejohn chapter 12 . 4/3
This review doesn't do my opinion on the story justice, but this story? It's great. I like this story a lot.
SeanHicks4 chapter 12 . 3/28
Interesting take, I love the shenanigans Taylor is getting up to. Her speaking style is kinda funny too, when I ain’t annoyed with how wordy it was. I might actually have to look into Cthulhu and all if the stuff is as good as the hilarity of the cast needing to do sancheck rolls
Guest chapter 12 . 3/25
One eyed black cat awesome
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