Reviews for Spider-Man: Evolution
Guest chapter 5 . 7/22
Update The Bearer please
Cgat chapter 5 . 7/9
Ok cool but could you please update The Bearer that story is so awesome
X chapter 5 . 7/9
I just hope you keep him as he was in this story.
0vrLrd71 chapter 5 . 7/10
Damn, i thought you would have put another note or something and all you did was delete and change the first chapter, lol, well take your time with your rewrite! I'm looking forward to it .. or y'know any other of your stories ..
0vrLrd71 chapter 5 . 7/7
Sucks, I was looking forward to it as you said, I'll check the rewrite when it's out, I kinda like Spiderman fics, lol, well just marvel in general ..
BrotallySwagical chapter 5 . 7/7
Well that sucks. But its your story. Work it till its right I guess. I always see these reworks never actually happen by anyone. Either that or the reworks are a worse version. Hopefully this story won't be either of them. Or updates will take a year. By then the story is dead.
quangnguyentran720 chapter 5 . 7/6
Cool but i still want you continue The Bearer
RandomCoolGuy chapter 1 . 7/6
cool never read the original story but still looking forward to it.
The No-Good Writer chapter 5 . 7/6
Looking forward to the remake. I hope the update frequency is high.
HellsMaji chapter 2 . 6/21
Not too impressed.. This Peter supposedly has never lost a fight in ten years, which means he should be skilled as fuck. But now, when he's supposed to be super skilled, super strong and fast, and have a danger sense, he's gotten his ass beat twice in a week. Have to admit, he seems weaker than canon spider, not stronger and more skilled. Hell, vulture shouldn't have even touched him in that fight.
qu8908423 chapter 4 . 6/19
Love it.
DeliciousCookie chapter 4 . 6/14
Disappointing that you had him killed :/
DeliciousCookie chapter 1 . 6/12
"Every weekend, Peter would leave him for a few days and go around competing in these fights. He won all the fights he had been in and hadn't lost one in over ten years."
I hope this sentence doesn't mean that he's been in fighting rings since he's 7 :p
I am vegito chapter 1 . 6/5
man this was a good story please update
Guest chapter 4 . 5/29
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