Reviews for Back Without Regrets
Guest chapter 7 . 7/20
I love it, the way you set up unique but understandable plot changes sets this story above other time travel stories. Can't wait for the next installment (damn leaving it on a cliffhanger)
Mr. Meowington chapter 7 . 7/4
Yes, I like this, this be sum good food to feast on for my brain
xXxGhostRiderxXx chapter 7 . 6/25
Glad to see this is still going on. I'm interested in seeing if Ozai will turn out better or even worse in this world.
Requiescat1nPace chapter 7 . 6/25
Good to see you're still working on this, love the story so far
LightDas chapter 7 . 6/25
Oh my Gawds, it has been such a long time since I've looked at this story, and may I just say that I think you're doing an amazing job on it. I'm super curious to see what happens next, and possibly the appearance of Katara and Sokka?
Zerox chapter 7 . 6/24
Ok i'm not good with beginnings so i'll skip to the point. I am so excited with how this story is going so far. The chapters are all well written and thought out and even though there are some bits here and there that don't add up (for now at least) i have no problem seeing past them as no fic is perfect or ideal. The concept that you are going with is nothing short of fresh and really interesting. In the original series it was obvious that Azula was shaped to be a weapon and nothing more but with the whole time travel thing she cannot only develop as a very unique and interesting character ( more then she already is) but also reflect on her supposed future and the thing she would have become if not for her change. Sorry for the ramble but i'm just really hooked on how you plan to continue this story and shape it up!

Given that please take your time and don't stress yourself over how good or bad a chapter is. As long as you pour your heart into it and make it with passion it will always be enjoyable!
Worker72 chapter 7 . 6/24
Technically Lu Ten was captured which means the Dai Li has him and as anyone can guess with the Dai Li there are worse fates than death. Next time we see Lu Ten he could be a brainwashed soldier for the Earth Kingdom. If you choose to go down that route.

This new task force could give Zuko the chance to get down to the South Pole and free Aang before all the Waterbenders are captured there.
Hadrian.Caeser chapter 7 . 6/24
Bella-swan11 chapter 7 . 6/24
Zuko you must start to plan different scenarios, only in this way can you make your plans work; now your cousin is dead and you suspect your father was involved in this. You need to find the proofs for this theory, so they could take your father's throne; since your uncle could accuse him of murder and treason. So regain the throne so that your uncle has become the lord of fire, perhaps you should seek to contact the spirit of your great-grandfather Roku; He could help you by giving advice to you and Azula.
Guest chapter 7 . 6/24
This is a great chapter. So now Sokka and Katara will become involved in this story,
Hadrian.Caeser chapter 3 . 6/24
Filipinagirl04 chapter 7 . 6/24
When I was a kid, I never understood why Zuko and Azula’s mother left them but now I understood. Man, Zuko’s family suck! And I wonder what Zuko is going to do since he knows what that raid is going to do. And I wonder what the Painted Lady meant...
rach12901 chapter 6 . 6/17
This story is fantastic. You deserve so many more reviews. I hope you decide to continue it. You took what was canon and you are shaping it with your unique perspective.
dontgiveahoot chapter 6 . 6/14
Screw you, Zhao.

That said, I’m hopeful that the tremors Lu Ten felt underneath him were a sign that he’s being earthbended out of there before he dies. If so, presumed dead is the best protection for a prince who now knows someone is looking to assassinate him - and it’s not exactly difficult to work out who, given that somehow Zuko and Azula knew he needed protection. Lu Ten will probably assume that they overheard their father’s plan while snooping about. This could actually be a win-win - Lu Ten doesn’t die and continues to open his mind, Iroh goes on his Spirit Journey, and Zuko and Azula are even more motivated against Ozai.

Also, I love how the Fire Foursome interact. Mai and Ty Lee are done so well here, and this time their friendship with Azula is genuine and not fear-based.
Bella-swan11 chapter 6 . 4/27
Zuko you are not naive, the death of your cousin is convenient for the promotion of your father as the next fire lord; you need to gather the tests of this hypothesis to be true you know well that your grandfather will not forgive father. Because even if you have sins, your grandfather loves your uncle, he could not forgive that father ordered his grandson to be killed; Zuko do not give up you need to confirm if really if cousin died it is time to invoke the spirits.
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