Reviews for A Chance For a New Dawn
Guest chapter 20 . 7/11
Don’t stop the story here. What happens next? This is one of the most interesting Fire Emblem fan fiction stories I’ve read. Please update it soon.
Delta477 chapter 20 . 6/10
Amazing chapter. I love how you made Bernadetta only half-Agarthan; as it explains how she’s related to TWSITD, but at the same time explaining why her appearance is the same as other people.

Her mothers ominous statement about her heritage also makes me think it’s going to get unveiled at some point. I hope everything turns out well if it does.

I’m sorry to ask this again, but I just wanted to check to see if you were still working on the story. No rush if you are, it’s just I haven’t seen any update in a couple months. I understand if you’re busy given how hectic everything is because of the pandemic. I hope everything is going well for you.
GaeaRebirth chapter 20 . 5/31
You won't believe how happy I was when I found out you had updated this, I was actually kind of worried that something might have happened to you so when you posted a new chapter it made me feel at ease in a way I can't fully put to words. I was going to give my review back when the chapter was posted, but then things got a little busy for me and then I ended up putting it off for one reason or another. If you can't tell, I'm a scatterbrained fool. Still, I just want you to know that your story makes me very happy and I hope you are at least having half as much fun writing this as I am having reading it. I'm actually trying to write my own stories as well so believe me when I say I know how challenging it can be sometimes, so don't give up, I'll be cheering you on!

Now as for the chapter itself... wow. I don't know how you do it, but you frequently manage to not only meet my expectations, but exceed them in ways I never thought of. Case in point: The confrontation between Bernadetta and Edelgard. I got chills when she threatened Bernie in an attempt to get her to back down and stop meddling in literally everything. That said, I'm afraid that Bernadetta was locked into this mess the moment Monica cut her arm all the way back in chapter 3. Unfortunately, I think it's safe to assume that most of the known members of Ouroboros are aware of her Agarthan blood. Needless to say, she has passed the point of no return a long time ago.

Speaking of Monica, I'm really interested in seeing what she ends up doing. It's obvious that she is slowly becoming more distant from her fellow conspirators as she relates more with her classmates as she spends time with them. I can't help but find this scenario ironic when her mission in the game was to isolate Edelgard from her peers and yet in this story she ended up isolating herself from the other members of Ouroboros unintentionally in her persistent efforts to befriend Bernadetta.

The argument between Bernie and Byleth was both heartwarming and worrying. On one hand, it's really sweet how these two are so devoted to each other that they were arguing about how they want to protect each other. On the other hand though, the amount of self loathing they both have is very concerning. I swear if these two ever get the chance to have children then those kids would be hardwired to become martyrs.

Also, I'd like to reaffirm my earlier prediction about how Bernadetta is doomed to fight almost everyone in Fodlan. I feel so bad for this poor girl, she is going to be a target for almost anyone who finds out about the full extent of her situation. If I have the record straight, Bernadetta is now a time traveling half-Agarthan vessel of Sothis with the bloodline and possibly the powers of an ancient seer. Ouroboros will be ecstatic to at least have her as a guinea pig... until they discover that she has been conspiring with Sothis. Rhea will probably view her as an abomination. Normally she would be happy to know that her mother is back, but in the body of an Agarthan, let alone one with Sahrius' bloodline. I do have hope for some characters to stick by her side as true friends, but the only person who we can safely say is a permanent ally for her (besides Sothis) is Byleth.

Long story short: I really liked this chapter and I can't wait to see where you take this. Take the time that you need to make this story, I know things are kind of crazy these days so we will be understanding if it takes longer than usual to release new chapters. Good luck, I hope to see more from you again!
ElecFlameFox chapter 6 . 5/9
It still amuses me of how Bernadetta and Jeritza talked near the beginning of the chapter, since they can support in game, Crimson Flower only.
JohnJoestar17 chapter 20 . 4/19
Damn, this chapter was a lot to take in. Odesse...Lilith...the mysterious wolves, and Edelgard's own plot amidst all this. Ouroboros' reach is far and wide it seems. And damn, this Sahrius entity and the Agarthans originated in Zemuria? That raises even more questions about Ouroboros' history and their endgame. The entire von Varley family definitely didn't have things easy either.

All in all, it's been a great read so far. I'm looking forward to what comes next.
JohnJoestar17 chapter 19 . 4/18
Everything so far...well, there's been a little bit of progress with Byleth and Bernie's relationship, and at least they both know about the others' abilities and that Byleth knows about Bernie being from the future now. Her dad's a huge piece of shit, and I felt really bad reading about Bernie's treatment under him. At least the butler and her mother are a bit more reasonable.

Village that's not on the map anymore...does this mean that Monica is from HAMEL? And that she knows Joshua and Loewe? Seems like she either is or was an Enforcer who made her way to Fodlan. I have a feeling Jeralt might be from Erebonia as well, considering a) Byleth says he knows about Nidhoggr and b) Byleth did the headpat (in my headcanon it's an Erebonian custom, so Jeralt might have passed it on). This begs the question as to why Jeralt would leave the more technologically advanced Zemuria for the more medieval Fodlan. I wonder what this dark mage's role in this plague is.

p.s. Not sure if I'm reading too much into this, but so far the enemies include a DEATH Knight and a PESTILENCE Witch. Does this mean there'll be two more major enemy leaders patterned after the remaining Horsemen of the Apocalypse?
JohnJoestar17 chapter 14 . 4/18
Nice to see the students fare so well against Zemurian Jaegers, and there's now even more evidence that Byleth has some kind of connection to Zemuria. I hope they can capture a couple of them for questioning, but it seems like it was a complete rout for Nidhoggr with no survivors.

Yikes, poor Bernie, having to relive her future husband's death again. Even with the ability to rewind time, that'll do a number on her psyche. I wonder if this will make her spill the beans to Byleth at the very least...
JohnJoestar17 chapter 13 . 4/18
Looks like preparations are being made towards a war against Ouroboros, and it's interesting to note they've been around on Fodlan for quite some time as well. Guess their reach isn't just limited to Zemuria. Bernadetta's little stealth mission got a few chuckles out of me as well...

This bit "nothing short of a miracle" really stood out to me. It seems like you're quite well-versed in the Trails series, so I'm guessing you already know that Kiseki can be translated to 'miracle' as well as 'trails'? Seems like there's quite a bit of crossover cosmic shenanigans going on in the background...
JohnJoestar17 chapter 11 . 4/17
Damn, the fight with Lonato was intense! Seems like Byleth used his own Divine Pulse to save Bernie this time around. I hope Lonato is finally at peace, but there are still battles to be fought and even more mysteries to solve. Hmm...looks like serpent devouring its own tail...Ouroboros wants Rhea dead for some reason? Of course they'd be behind the unrest.

The burning town and the Flame Emperor's soldiers reminded me a lot of the Hamel incident from the Trails series. Rip and tear until it is done, Dimitri. Punish those responsible for this atrocity.

p.s. I listened to BFG Division on a loop while reading the Lonato fight. Figured it would be fitting considering it's a Demonic Beast they're fighting.
JohnJoestar17 chapter 10 . 4/17
On one hand, it's nice seeing Bernie starting to bond with Ashe (who seems to have been an old enemy in the original timeline). On the other, it's sad seeing her push her old Black Eagle classmates away like that (and I'm not entirely convinced it was necessary). Also, you'd think she'd have her priorities in order and delve into the nameless book but no...Although if Trails logic is anything to go by is that the novel will foreshadow some future plot point.

The fog of war (not to mention a literal fog that's supernatural in origin) is hard to navigate, and the task force is wise to stick together. You did a great job balancing action and the horror/sadness of Ashe having to fight and kill the people from his home village. Hmm...shiny white orb...metallic bracelet. Could it be some kind of Orbal device with a mirage quartz? And the Agarthan mage's clothes sounds like a plague doctor's outfit.

I have so many questions as to what Lonato found out, and how he got the spear in the first place. This just makes me want to keep binging.
JohnJoestar17 chapter 8 . 4/17
Looks like we're seeing the beginning of Byleth and Bernadetta's relationship, and he's onto something about her. I'm curious about what would happen if he finds out about her true story...And it seems like we're about to hit our first divergence point too.

On a side note, I'm dying to find out about the contents of that mysterious book Tomas gave to Bernadetta. I'm sure it would shed some light on the connection between Zemuria and Fodlan, but I guess it's a matter of "how".
JohnJoestar17 chapter 7 . 4/17
A Gralsritter-issue bowgun, a picture of Renne out of all people, and references to THAT plot point from Cold Steel 4? This raises a lot of questions about the planet, namely how on earth would Zemuria be so much more advanced than Fodlan and why Orbal energy can't reach Fodlan.

Anyway, I very much enjoyed the fights as well, and Monica reminds me a lot of Deadpool for some reason.
JohnJoestar17 chapter 5 . 4/17
I forgot to mention this in my last review, but Sothis' ability (Divine Pulse, right?) to rewind time sure reminds me of save-scumming game mechanics (not that it's a bad thing). It seems like both Bernadetta and Byleth have the same power too, and Monica sure seems sketchy...
JohnJoestar17 chapter 4 . 4/17
Despite my lack of knowledge, these past couple of chapters did a great job introducing me to the characters. It's clear that Bernadetta is one of those cute-but-clumsy characters, and I'm looking forward to how her tale unfolds now that she has a goddess inside her head. Also, it's very interesting how Byleth is the only person who knows about Erebonia (let alone Zemuria in the first place)...
JohnJoestar17 chapter 1 . 4/12
Been meaning to start this story for a while now. Granted, I'm not that familiar with Fire Emblem as a whole, let alone Three Houses. What really drew me in was me hearing about all the Trails allusions in the background. Without further ado, this story was off to a great start with this life-or-death battle. Poor Bernie, seeing the love of her life cut down in front of her...But it seems like she got a second lease at life, and I'm curious where this will go.
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