Reviews for Werefox of Bael
KaosuAkuma8 chapter 45 . 20h
Did you just make a SAO abridged reference this chapter? I know you did and it was unexpected and very legit, I appreciate it.
AxeMan18 chapter 45 . 21h
Prayers to my boy Naruto, here’s to him not getting pegged lol.
Also, could you remind me around what chapter Xenovia gets gangbanged by Naruto and his clones? I can’t remember... Asking for a friend...
Dasgun chapter 45 . 10/23
Titanfall007 chapter 45 . 10/22
This has definitely been a good read. I can’t wait for further chapters. I do definitely hope that Naruto will have some sort of growth spurt. So hopefully it will happen soon, but that’s just me. Besides that I really enjoy the story!
Habu2010 chapter 45 . 10/22
Nice, using Sword Art Online Abridge.
calderoneric758 chapter 45 . 10/22
Dude nice sao abriged joke wait are you gonna do the famous one where your is fresh out of mercy and thr recent one where glove check happens but for human turn devils
XxGameDarkXx1 chapter 20 . 10/20
Pero que poco entrenamiento tiene Naruto todos tienen evoluciones pero este lo máximo que tiene es un entrenamiento de Rasengan y un Taijutsu prácticamente hecho para cualquiera que se le cante el qlo
Za Warudo chapter 44 . 10/17
Rossweisse is Naruto harem right?

Draegoon chapter 44 . 10/15
well that was a cool chapter, Naruto however is probably gonna be upset and from what i know of norse myth i think that curse your houses thing is far worse then it appears.
Xavier Hanenberg chapter 12 . 10/11
this is trash , and I'm not talking about this chapter but this story as a whole , why did you make naruto a complete bitch . good luck with your story
Mystery889 chapter 1 . 10/10
Guest chapter 44 . 10/10
hm, not completely bad, but it could have been better, though I know you can do it.
Guest chapter 44 . 10/10
wow, good chapter
Guest chapter 44 . 10/10
YES fuck you loki,

Guest chapter 44 . 10/10
I feel that Robin, La Fey, and Biko could have done more, but I enjoyed the Helheim fight.

the fight in the underworld was neat, though there was not enough focus on everyone like in the previous chapter.
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