Reviews for The Why We Fall Apart
Unknown chapter 3 . 7/3
Great story, please keep updating.
TopHatGuy chapter 5 . 6/29
I remember reading A Man of No Tribe way back, then I sort of fell off tbh. Don't remember why, but I just stopped reading, I guess. Anyways, I decided to click on the random email notifications, and here we are.

SSllappyy chapter 5 . 6/12
Dude, this shit slaps, I hope you're still working on it.
EnteTheSlayer chapter 5 . 6/10
This story is golden. Hope to see an update someday in the future
Guest chapter 5 . 6/8
I keep finding myself coming back to read this story, it's really good. I'm kinda sad you haven't updated in a while, but you do you, man.
memefarius chapter 5 . 5/15
This is a lovely story and I am interested in who the other kid is /are like
Yami-Guy chapter 1 . 4/29
The main problem that wasn't even addressed was that they neither side went out of there way to see each other outside of sporadic texts for YEARS, and then show up just because Yang wants to settle down?! Wtf man, he wasn't the choice, he was the last choice and even then it is apparently just to prove a point to her mother? That is definitely not the place for a kid, just saying.

Somewhat interesting so far, lets see what the other chapters hold.
Mythical Dragons chapter 5 . 4/11
I can honestly say that this is what a real story is
TheSlySage chapter 5 . 4/2
holy shiz. please keep this goingggggggg
Rypticalbolt chapter 5 . 4/1
Wow this fic had me losing sleep thinking on what will happen next. This needs to get updated quicker because im hooked on it now and this is damn near coeur al aran level of writing, almost as he was your secret beta.
Guest chapter 5 . 3/24
Yeah story is great but all the characters are either self-righteous or hypocritical so I'm literally rooting for everyone to be fucked right now.
Ragnarooke chapter 5 . 3/23
Holy shit this story is so fucking good. I just found your work recently and I gotta say you're the final piece of my RWBY fanfic author holy trinity (with Mallobaude and Couer Al'Aran being the other two). This story NEEDS to have an ending. You've written a story with the kind of quality I wish RWBY actually had. Also making Ruby the possible antagonist is a fucking power move.
Guest chapter 5 . 3/21
That was an pretty interesting ride so far. I have no idea whether or not you intend to complete this story (from your authors notes, one more chapter?), but I hope you will.

On the good side I love the characters interactions overall, the way the dialogues between each of them really feel unique and I think, faithful to the spirit of the show (if a bit charged with sexual innuendos and vulgar words, but I suppose after the shit they've been through it's acceptable). I've read the whole thing in one sitting and it was glorious.

On the not so great side, I'll say you probably went a liiitle overboard with how fast Emerald won Jaune over (I could totally see him spare her if he showed remorse though, but to go to marriage so fast? Less convinced), or how fast Yang seems to be coming around now. Yang could maybe forgive Emerald for her hand in Qrow's death, but I just don't see it happen THAT fast, regardless of her past (or how adorable their kids are). You did to an extent justify it by showing Yang forgave even Raven, but still.

Don't let the fact that the "not so great" section is bigger than the "good" section, I enjoyed the fic very much and, as said in the first line of the review, hope you'll come around to finish it someday. Nothing taste more bitter than a good fic left unfinished.
Guest chapter 5 . 3/20
To the ‘Guest’ below: Take your worthless criticism and never come back! If you don’t like a story, keep you comments to yourself, you piece of crap!
Guest chapter 5 . 3/11
I'm glad you stopped writing this garbage. I can't understand what goes to that stupid brain of yours that believes being an orphan justifies all the horrible things Emerald did. Especially because two of Jaune's greatest friends in life are orphans and they turned out just fine so he knows better than anyone that this is no excuse.

Also Ruby can kindly fuck off. Maybe it's because you don't care like the hetero virgin you are but making fun of someone's feelings or sexuality is not a joking manner, especially because Weiss is clearly bothered by it. Plus she's sleeping with Ozpin with Oscar's face. Add Pedo to your list of mental problems mister.

Please don't come back.
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