Reviews for Salvage
Forgotten Echoes chapter 11 . 7h
I found the fix of a plot I didn’t know I needed. Bless you and yours for this piece of literary art.
FyreDrakon chapter 11 . 7/31
great chapter as usual
Guest chapter 11 . 7/28
AMAAAAAZING! THe whole thing! I love your writingstyle, serious but really funny in the right places. Thank you for sharing this with us and i hope you continue this, its to good to end here :)
jonathan.jt.batz chapter 11 . 7/27
So, I checked AO3 and noticed that this story is slated to have 13 chapters. I’m a little bummed by that, seeing as this is one of my all time favorite fanfics. I am VERY curious about the family reunion(s) in later seasons. Hope you can cover those, maybe in (a) follow up fic(s)?
Keep up the good work, and Godspeed.
SockMage chapter 11 . 7/27
I love the relationship between Zuko and the crew (hope to see more of it) and how they deal with his... interesting perspectives on things. Good to see they’re influencing him to be more of a teenager in the last couple of chapters. Poor kid needs it. Too bad their teasing lead to Zuko sabotaging his fellow apprentice
Guest chapter 5 . 7/27
Oh my goodness! This is my absolute favorite ATLA fanfiction that I've read so far! Fun plot line, great humor, beautifully written.
SpaceAndInfinity chapter 11 . 7/27
HA! Zuko is so funny XD. He finally got his revenge plan through. Idk if I am interpreting this right, but I imagine Zuko was probably thinking, "I can break this... but I could also give it to this earth kingdom guy who could get it to someone that can reverse engineer it, therefore getting it to public healers faster" but. You know. In a more Zuko way XD. He's basically killing two chickens with one stone lol. You are a great writer and super cool! I love how you write Zuko and all of your au's (makes me want to write some Avatar the Last Airbender? XD). You deserve awesomeness! Have a great day :3
Igornerd chapter 11 . 7/25
No matter where Zuko goes, someone notices him and realizes who he is.

Poor Hakoda can't catch a break.
ovrwrldkiler chapter 11 . 7/25
This is actually hysterical. The last few chapters have been absolutely prime comedy. The whole gag with the thermometers especially. Absolute gold
Tlgrimn chapter 11 . 7/25
everyday I fall more in love with Zuko 3
Guest chapter 11 . 7/25
Zuko is ticklish ! I smiled so much during that bit :)
A. JayLin chapter 11 . 7/25
Why do I get the feeling that Zuko is going to let loose some of his emotional baggage when confronted about Kustaa’s “favorite apprentice” going missing? I mean, to me it sounds like that Zuko views this as being the same as Ozai favoring Azula.
FF8cerberus chapter 11 . 7/24
Thia was wonderful. Just wonderful. Zuko being his adorable self is always great. Man I hope to see this Zuko face Azula so she can see him for real instead of an angry boy all the time. Maybe he'll be able to push her for a change if only a small way. Ugh. This is just so good. I need to see how it'll be once he meets up with the Gaang and his sister down the road. For them to see him free of his previous burden and actually gaining a sense of content in his life. He and Azula really need that.

Great chapter. Until next time.
Sauwk chapter 11 . 7/24
Such a great story!
sparklydog9 chapter 11 . 7/24
Omg I don't know who's gonna be in trouble more- Zuko or Nergui! Great chapter as always! Excited to read more!
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