Reviews for Bernie 1185
Makokam chapter 1 . 11/2/2019

I don't normally go for AU stories like this, but hey! My two favorite characters? Sure, why not.
And I dont know if you just got their characters so well, or if it's because I totally related going off to eat lunch alone because fuck people, or even if I cringed at Bernie JUST DELETING THE WHOLE THING SHE WROTE (like c'mon, you dont have to send it but don't delete it. my god.)
But then she sent it because "today she was going to be Edelgard".
And then she had to give the speech herself and it was just so awkward but utterly adorable at the same time. I'll be surprised if she doesnt have a fan club after that.
And then it was only a concussion? I thought she was in a car crash or something.

I also really liked how you changed the structure but still had it be Fodlan and kept the crests. Kinda sucks that Petra got the shaft in this version though. Not being able to take office and all.

Of course, the perverse side of me just imagines her being elected and then she's standing in her office with her team and she looks out the window and goes, "And now to abolish the church and conquer the world."
and everybody but Hubert is like, "Excuse me what?"