Reviews for That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime
Guest chapter 1 . 7/26
This a hilarious story!
darkvampirekisses chapter 3 . 7/15
So... That scene with the cows feels extremely familiar...
shugokage chapter 8 . 7/8
Interesting story good job!
Six02 chapter 8 . 7/5
Just want to confirm if I got it right, since the LN style of texts tends to confuse me and I've been kinda fuzzy on details early on. Jaune is Rimiru, while amber is basically Shizue. Though they seem to be closer to Rimiru and Veldora in terms of communication. While Jeanne, amber has more control? And while Jaune, I'll assume Jaune will have more control?
Ironically Challenged chapter 1 . 5/8
I like this story, mainly because of the fact the protagonist is non-human/faunus, which is a rarity. But for the love all that is good in this world, fix your fucking pacing. In between chapters shit just jump cuts from one thing to another, and apparently Amber made a connection with Slime-Jaune despite them knowing each other for a fucking day. None of this makes sense.

There's other things, like the occasional misspelling or nonsensical sentence, but other people will probably point those out.

Other than that, good story, I'll definitely keep an eye on it.
ParadoxReader chapter 7 . 4/13
Nice story and wondering gow will it continue... Haha hoping for a jaune and pryhha romance cause good proper ones are sorare and some rennora... Can see Jaune and Jeanne merging and have theirbpersonality switch at times... With the gender beung indication who is dominant... While pryhha is happy cause got a best friend and her crush in one? Haha That n i love JNPR hijinks, backstory and potential more than rwby... So much lore and story... One a cheerful gal hiding a sad pass... Orphan, diss, bullied, ostracised found hope but saw hope destroyed decieed ti out a facede of smile n joy for her friend who is suffering... Her friend who decided to be her tower and go forth in the world... Pryhha whose only sin isbdoing her best n i can tell you from personal experience being ostracised cause of abilit or you background is a hitty feeling especially really really to not have a single oerson to talk bout your joy and sorrow properly without reservation? Yea...
Sdarkness05 chapter 1 . 4/12
now that guest is just an ass a useless one at that
kirito emiya chapter 7 . 4/11
Hashirama 1710 chapter 7 . 4/11
isn't this the same chapter?
GhostDT chapter 6 . 3/17
BigRig2.0 chapter 6 . 3/14
UnlawfulGentleman chapter 6 . 3/9
Well, there's that ego of Cinder's again. I mean, earned, but also: yikes.

You're up against someone with the same abilities and skills as the one - through episode titles - referred to as the One Who Devours All.

So, uh, good luck. You gonna need it, crazy. :P
Guest chapter 5 . 3/9
"I am a bird. That can talk."
"You mean like my Uncle Qrow? He's got the name of a bird, and he can talk." (I'd just leave it without that second sentence, but I don't think she'd know the 'can actually turn into a bird' thing yet, even with this changes in this AU.)

I do like the implication that in this AU, birds writing sentences is seemingly commonplace enough to not get a reaction. (Well, presuming it's not them being shocked at a bird writing in the first place.)
Kyuubi-Titan chapter 5 . 2/21
Love slime and love rwby. So this fic is right up my alley. Looking forward to more. Poor Slime Jaune. No nookie. Still though, I think yang should be the first to make a hentai joke about Jaune dating.
Panther chapter 1 . 2/20
The story's epic. Make more
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