Reviews for The Call
sandhopper chapter 16 . 6/2
Made me cry again with this chapter! The bond between Metlin and Arthur was one of my favorite parts of the series, and this story was an excellent portrayal of the friendship between them and all of the characters! Loved it!
sandhopper chapter 15 . 6/2
Such a wonderful story! Don't want it to end.
sandhopper chapter 9 . 6/2
Oh my gosh! Live the friendship between these two! Anxious to see what's next and how the defeat this witch!
sandhopper chapter 6 . 6/2
Yikes! Hope his plan works.
sandhopper chapter 5 . 6/2
Made me cry, when Arthur is so concerned and protective of Merlin!
sandhopper chapter 4 . 6/2
sandhopper chapter 3 . 6/2
Oh my gosh! Awesome chapter! Hurrying on to the next!
sandhopper chapter 1 . 6/2
Guest chapter 6 . 5/15
Surely Kilgharrah could help.
zendog chapter 10 . 5/12
Seriously creepy monster/villain...I really like the way it can get into Merlin's mind and feed off his thoughts and memories...really menacing.
zendog chapter 1 . 5/11
Interesting beginning, great characterisation...some very funny lines but a good sense of foreboding just bubbling under the surface. I am very interested in seeing where this leads.
RmGinge chapter 16 . 5/8
Ahhhh I just have to say how much I’ve loved this fic this was the first fanfic I’ve ever read and I can safely say I am completly hooked thank you for bringing me into the fanfic community and I’m going to miss getting notifications for new chapters of this nothing my me smile more than seeing that this waS UPDATED ABSOULTY INCREDIVLE AHHH IM GOING TO MISS THIS
Gingeraffealene chapter 16 . 5/8
That was an entirely unanticipated but wholly character appropriate reaction. Loved it! Well done! Looking forward to new stories from you!
Gingeraffealene chapter 15 . 5/8
Ha! This is the first time I’ve ever seen a story make use of that psychic line. That was well done!
Vanvdreamer chapter 16 . 5/8
Love this ending! Merlin has bounced back and knows how deeply Arthur cares! Thank you for for this story - I really enjoyed it!
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