Reviews for Make It Through the Night
HGRHfan35 chapter 6 . 1h
Such hurt, doubt, anger, pain but also some hope...
HGRHfan35 chapter 3 . 2h
Just found & started but am loving it so far. Let us see how far the riples of time will stretch & alter.
Dw.618 chapter 12 . 6h
This has been a great fixit because it explores everyone's emotional journeys (Ben, Rey, Luke, Han). It will be fun to continue reading more of your imaginative story in the future.
Guest chapter 12 . 7/28
Please let us know in here when the sequel is out!
angel-Utau chapter 12 . 7/28
Oh so we have reached the end (but not quite). You made a good decision cutting it here.
I really liked the closure: that Ben has Leia's saber, that Luke decides to return, that they reveal Palpatine is still alive, and of course the appearance of Yoda.
In TLJ he made a memorable appearance, but here he has been doubly memorable: he has put Luke in his place and has helped Rey, for me that man can retire, he has fulfilled.
(Oh and a special mention to Han's job offer, I was really excited about that scene in the movie, so seeing it here has been a great point.)
I'm glad that you started the project and that you decided to share it (and that you are in good shape despite the isolation).
But, well, it makes me a little sad that the second part is not going to be in FF because I don't have an account in Ao3 and it will be difficult for me to be aware of the updates (but at least I will be able to read and comment even as a guest). In an attempt to convince you to publish it here: in theory, the rated M collect violence, murders, adult content, gore and such tags.
(But don't listen to me.)
Again, thank you very much for the story, I love to see how relationships and problems have been developing (it has also been very realistic, which is a plus that is greatly appreciated).
Take your time and rest, when you update again I will be there ready to bother you (?)
Abby chapter 12 . 7/27
Really good chapter, love it!
pam48 chapter 12 . 7/27
I loved it! Thank you!
Aaron Leach chapter 12 . 7/27
Awesome chapter.
angel-Utau chapter 11 . 7/25
Ok ok ok... I've been reading, but I wasn't able to find time to review, so here I am (again).
I'm not really sure about where I should start, because a lot has happened.
Han makes me cry, like he suffers a lot, he's triying to get everything together and triying to do the right things... His parts in the last chapters made me emotional.
I liked it a lot, is short but so sweet and exiciting, just enough; all their touches look natural but that doesn’t make them less exciting (sorry for the repetitive adjective, I don't find another word right now...)
At first maybe the last chapters look repetitive (Rey and Ben, and then Luke being grumpy, and then Ben and Han etc); usually I get tired of it, it's like a romance novel where the characters are always doing the same: break up and make up all over again.
But ('cause here is the point) it doesn't feel like this: the actions are repetitive, yes (also there's no much you can do on that island), but the discussions are different, and how the approach the subjects and even how they interact with each other also changes.
It's slow, but you see an development.
Also is so nice to read if you just want to chill for a moment; you balanced perfectly the tension moments with the soft ones, I can get nervous when they fight or talk about something very serious, but before I get exhausted, the atmosphere has changed and Ben and Rey are talking or studying the force, or Han is trying to have a calm conversation. No emotion becomes too much, they complement each other very well.
I still don’t know what I want Luke to do. On one hand I would like him to meet with Leia, but on the other hand I don’t think it would be good for the rest of the characters, I don’t know...
Well, thanks for the updated and sorry for being late.
Guest chapter 11 . 7/21
Your Luke is exactly like TLJ and the primary reason I'm not a big fan of TLJ. It took the clone wars to better explain Anakin fall which was too quick in TROTS but I don't think they will ever get this right the best there done is say Palpatine was responsible for luke seeing what he did which is better but still lame. I'm actually considering writing a better explanation and replacing the first 15 minutes of TLJ I feel if they had better written Luke's exile people wouldn't have been so furious.
mysinger chapter 11 . 7/20
Good chapter! I liked the interactions between Rey and Ben. Luke is just as stubborn as he was in the Last Jedi and he really doesnt like Ben. I also like how Rey stands up to Luke. I wonder what he meant about them being a Dyad explaining a lot. I'm glad that he gave Ben Leia's lightsaber at the end. Thanks for the update.
Aaron Leach chapter 11 . 7/20
Awesome chapter.
mysinger chapter 10 . 7/17
I loved their kiss! I can't wait to see what impact this will have on their bad Luke walked in on them. Hopefully he doesn't cause trouble. Great chapter!
mysinger chapter 9 . 7/16
I liked the conversation between Han and Ben. I feel like Han said the things that Ben really needed to hear. The scene between Rey and Ben was also well done. Rey is good for Ben in this chapter. It helps that her own experiences with Luke were disappointing so she can sympathize with Ben.
imsoproudofyou chapter 10 . 7/15
Yeah! Finally a kiss :D I really like your story, it's getting better and better with every new chapter! So please keep them comin :)
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