Reviews for Hermione Lestrange
Libby chapter 11 . 8/30
Love this story! I just felt like I needed to ask this though: in the first chapter, I though it was established that Narcissa didn’t really care about the pure blood rules? So my question is that if this is so, why would Hermione and Draco potentially getting married trouble her? I know she’s not truly a pure blood but I though it didn’t matter so much to Narcissa? Regardless, I love your story and can’t wait to read more!
JessicaImpossible chapter 10 . 8/10
IanAlphaAxel chapter 10 . 8/9
Great story!
Brooklynhills chapter 10 . 8/9
So happy they’re talking again.
Brooklynhills chapter 10 . 8/9
Sixth year. Oh snap. That’s when things get really heavy.
Brooklynhills chapter 9 . 7/20
Love to more!
Brooklynhills chapter 9 . 7/20
Hermione is befriending Harry and Ron. But losing Draco if he finds out about her tellling them.
Brooklynhills chapter 8 . 7/20
That’s cute, Theo and Daphne.
Brooklynhills chapter 8 . 7/20
Great chapter.
Brooklynhills chapter 7 . 7/19
That was quick.
Brooklynhills chapter 7 . 7/19
First year finished.
Brooklynhills chapter 6 . 7/19
Brooklynhills chapter 6 . 7/19
Hermione didn’t do anything which sucks. This Hermione is more tamed. I wished she was more the saving grace kind of Hermione in canon, the one that wouldn’t hesitate to intervene.
Brooklynhills chapter 5 . 7/19
Hope he goes to Azkaban and stays there. I wished Hermione did something, like set him on fire.
Brooklynhills chapter 5 . 7/19
I hate Lucius!
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