Reviews for Live My Sorrow
OechsnerC chapter 7 . 13h
Awesome update. Looking forward to seeing how things go.
DANIELA123 chapter 7 . 14h
That was perfect, I really appreciate Snotlout decided talk with Gobber, he was so helpful. But now he has the biggest challenge. Stoick.
KN Hudson chapter 6 . 7/21
Snotlout is really beginning to think and wonder about Hiccup's personality-how he can be so forgiving and willing to give second chances. It's something that Snotlout has never paid attention to before, and so he's completely baffled. I like how Hookfang won't let him give up.

I really like Frida-she seems like a good complement to the men in the Jorgenson family. She is more openly kind and non-judgmental, so Snotlout feels more able to be vulnerable with her, and to let his mom see sides of him that he hides from others. Frida obviously wasn't happy about the prank her son pulled, but she also understands that he didn't mean any real harm. She wants him to figure out his task and learn from it, but she is willing to offer a helping hand and advice too.

I can see both Hiccup's and Stoick's POV on punishing Snotlout too. Hiccup is the one who was hurt by the prank, and he forgave Snotlout and is willing to let it go at that. But Stoick is also right that Snotlout (and everyone else) needs to know that there are consequences to actions. I do think that Snotlout has already learned that and that he has learned to think ahead, because he was truly horrified at Hiccup being hurt and suffering because of him, and then humbled by Hiccup's forgiveness. I think that is what is making Snotlout more mature and aware of being careful. But Stoick is the chief and he feels that he can't let such dangerous behavior go without any punishment-plus he is Hiccup's dad and he is upset that his son suffered so because of Snotlout.

But taking care of the sheep for a month isn't the worst punishment, so Snotlout still has Hiccup to thank!

Looking forward to the next chapter!
OechsnerC chapter 6 . 7/19
Cool story.
OrangeCat64 chapter 6 . 7/18
I like how you brought in Snotlout’s mom and connected it to Race to the Edge. She does seem to be the more gentle and loving type between the two parents. Snotlout’s situation with his parents isn’t that far off from Hiccup’s relationship with Stoick. Spitelout also expects Snotlout to be the best and pushes him to be what he wants him to be. Snotlout is afraid to let his father down and wants him to be proud of him. Except, Snotlout has a mom who is supportive and encrougages him to be who he wants to be. She lets him show “weakness” around her and express his softer side. What would it have been like for Hiccup if he had had that gentle touch during his childhood? At any rate, Hiccup and Stoick have figured things out between them, but Spitelout and Snotlout don’t seem to have.

There’s a lot more to Snotlout than just being tough, having muscle, and trying to be cool. He can sew and he also loves to write, and is apparently good at it. He is smart, but I think the influence of his father has tainted him, has made him want to hide those parts about himself and be the perfect Viking and a true Jorgenson. I like how Frida was trying to help him feel better and assist him in trying to figure things out. She offered him some advice, because that was all she could really do. If anything, she probably understands Snotlout better than anyone, knowing her husband and his influence.

Hiccup is generally pretty good at letting things go. It is no surprise to me that he doens’t want Stock to punish Snotlout. Though, I have to say I’m on Stoick’s side. Yes, Snotlout is sorry and was “punished” by the people. But such actions require a correction, just like if anyone else on Berk had done something wrong and would receive some kind of punishment. Snotlout hardly has the right to complain about his new chore, Hiccup already did him the courtesy of making his punishment as light as possible. I think Hiccup’s way of thinking— that because he forgave Snotlout, that a punishment isn’t necessary— isn’t quite the right way of thinking. If someone committed a crime, let’s say mugging someone, even if the victim forgives the guilty party, doesn’t mean that they should be set free without punishment. Hiccup is a good person, but I’m with Stoick and Toothless on this one.

Snotlout does seem closer to figuring out what Hiccup’s wants of him. He’s reevaluating his and Hiccup’s past relationship and coming up with some things to contemplate.
Jenifer Cullen chapter 6 . 7/17
I really enjoyed this thought i would really like more hiccup and toothless, i know it isn't the central part of the fic. but it would be nice to see some toothcup bonding and stuff
KN Hudson chapter 5 . 7/14
I love this chapter! We can really see what a good and generous person Hiccup is. The beginning was great, I love protective Stoick and Toothless. I laughed at the line where Stoick was thinking that he might as well go ahead and give in to Hiccup, that it would save time and hassle. Although he might not have been so quick to allow Hiccup outside if he hadn't known that Toothless would keep watch. Toothless will usually go along with Hiccup's plans, but not when his rider's safety and well-being is on the line.

I really enjoyed the scene with Hiccup and his friends. It was nice to see Fishlegs being helpful and that they were all concerned, but then Hiccup gets to see how everyone is treating Snotlout, including their friends. Of course Hiccup wouldn't want anyone else to suffer the way he did. He does know how it feels to be the village outcast and he doesn't want anyone else to experience it.

I liked how he brought Snotlout back to the table with the others. "This time I'm getting my way." was another good line! I also liked how Hiccup pointed out to the others that they had all made mistakes and how someone could have gotten hurt on those occasions too. He really is a good friend and cousin. Hopefully Hiccup made some of the other villagers re-consider their actions too.

Snotlout really is motivated to learn more about Hiccup now, and I loved how he apologized in his mind, even if he couldn't bring himself to say it aloud. I'm looking forward to the next chapter!
OrangeCat64 chapter 5 . 7/13
Stoick and Toothless are both so protective of Hiccup. I’m sure it took Hiccup a lot of effort to convince his dad to let him go out. Hiccup is not the type to be content staying cooped up inside. Though, if Toothless weren’t such a responsible chaperone, I’m sure Hiccup would have ignored many of his dad’s rules.

After so long only receiving negative attention, I don’t doubt that Hiccup isn’t fond of being center of attention. It is a stark difference to how things used to be, everyone greeting Hiccup and giving him well wishes. Not only is everyone worried about Hiccup, but they are completely on his side and angry at the one who did this to him.

Though, just because people are on Hiccup’s side, doesn’t mean he approves of their actions or wants things to be this way. Hiccup is right, they have all done stupid things that could have gotten someone killed or hurt, at some point. Hiccup has put up with a lot from his friends, even after being accepted, and he is continually giving them more chances and forgiving them. It makes no sense that they shouldn’t extend the same courtesy to each other— specifically Snotlout. I like how Hiccup is reminded of how he used to be treated and doesn’t want anyone else to feel the way he used to feel. I think that bringing Snotlout to their table is exactly what Hiccup would do.

I feel bad for Snotlout. He is sorry and he knows that he made a mistake. He thought things would go back to normal, but then everyone continued to treat him poorly. He seemed to have accepted it before Hiccup went over to talk to him. Snotlout should be able to figure out what Hiccup wants of him, I think, after experiencing how things used to be for him.

Hopefully people will follow in Hiccup’s example and stop picking on Snotlout. It was a good chapter.
DANIELA123 chapter 5 . 7/13
Wow, I really love Hiccup's attitude, he is too generous. Glad to read another chapter. thanks and I'll waiting for the next one.
Allayna chapter 5 . 7/13
So happy about this chapter! I had I my own head Hiccup going
'You will NOT treat anyone the way you used to treat me! And certainly not in MY NAME!'
KN Hudson chapter 4 . 7/9
It's interesting how Snotlout just assumes that he knows all about Hiccup because they're cousins, until he has to stop and think about it, and realizes that he doesn't actually know Hiccup very well. So now he's got to figure out how to go about his task, and at a time where most of the villagers aren't inclined to talk with him.

I'd suggest he start by speaking with Gobber, except that the blacksmith might be pretty upset with him too, as Gobber loves Hiccup too. But Gobber could tell Snotlout a lot about his cousin.

And oh yes, it looks like the village has done a complete turnabout, now that they're all protective of Hiccup and blaming Snotlout (rightfully) for injuring him. In a way, it does seem fickle, as most of the Vikings never cared about Hiccup until the Red Death battle, but I would like to think that they're genuinely remorseful and maybe that's part of why they're so upset on his behalf now. It must be a real surprise for Snotlout to see even his friends not wanting him around right now.

I can't help but feel a little sorry for him, but maybe it's good for him to get a little taste of what Hiccup experienced for so many years-and Hiccup didn't do anything to deserve being treated badly, while Snotlout is not exactly innocent here. Though Snotlout hasn't realized it yet, he actually is already learning about Hiccup by experiencing what it's like for everyone to shun and look down on him. It shows what an extraordinary person Hiccup is, that he was willing to risk his life for the village in the Red Death battle, and that he can be so generous and compassionate when he received very little of that himself growing up. I'm excited to see Snotlout realize all this.

I'm looking forward to the next chapter!
OrangeCat64 chapter 4 . 7/8
Snotlout sure does seem to think that he already knows a lot about Hiccup. Just because they have known of each other and interacted every now and then, usually in a negative way, the majority of their lives doesn’t mean that he knows Hiccup that well. They only just became friends not that long ago and Snotlout still does things to annoy Hiccup and they still clash on occasion, like in Thawfest. Snotlout has a lot to learn about Hiccup and he’s about to learn how his cousin was treated for all those years, it would seem.

Everyone seems so surprised that Hiccup forgave Snotlout for playing a prank on him and nearly killing him. But it shouldn’t be all that surprising— Hiccup did forgive everyone for how he was treated for the majority of his childhood. He forgave his father for neglecting him and disowning him. Hiccup isn’t like everyone else, and maybe that is why they were surprised. No one else is as forgiving as Hiccup, apparently, so they think he has every right to hold a grudge. They’re all forgetting that Hiccup is different, even if he has been accepted by everyone, he’s still Hiccup.

At least Snotlout has Hookfang on his side. His dragon doesn’t approve of his rider’s actions, but he is going to remain loyal to him. When Hiccup wasn’t treated well by others, he had Toothless. While Snotlout is being cast out, he will still have Hookfang.

There are a lot of issues in Berk that can be addressed in this story. Hiccup didn’t used to be treated well because he was different and couldn’t live up to his father’s expectations. Though he never really did anything wrong but try his hardest and fail. Snotlout did something wrong, he hurt someone. His intention was a simple prank, but it didn’t work out that way. I can see people being upset with him for being so careless and endangering their heir and hero, but instead everyone decided to hate him and treat him badly. Then there is that episode of Riders of Berk where they all turn on Hiccup because they think Toothless is causing the lightning to strike their home. The people of Berk seriously need to learn how to handle things better. They need to be more reasonable and less quick to judge and hand out punishment. Stoick didn’t set a good example when it came to treating Hiccup well, and so the Berkians can hardly be expected to behave better than their chief. Now, though Stoick has reason to be upset with Snotlout for almost killing his son, he is setting a bad example again.

This was a good chapter for showing how Snotlout’s actions have affected him and the people of Berk. We also get to see Snotlout’s realization that he doesn’t know as much about Hiccup as he thinks he does. Good work and nice story development.
Eikntt chapter 4 . 7/7
Well, it looks like the village has pulled the ol’ switcheroo on who to treat badly, huh? This is gonna be really interesting.
Grim chapter 4 . 7/7
The thing about this fanfic is not lnly that is interesting in seen Snotlout in this way, but also show me how hypocrites is Astridd and the rest of the tribe.
I am not defending Snotlout, he did something wrong, but i don think the rest of the tribe is diferent for him. If something like this happend before the peace with the dragons I am sure that he will be cherris and even thanked for.

Like I said, Snotlout did somethign wrong, but I found the atitude of the tribe very hypocritc
Whiskerface chapter 4 . 7/7
Wow. Great chapter. Yeah, he’s getting treated like Hiccup was before. Snotlout’s completely ignorant of what goes on around him. I never realized how completely clueless he is. I’ve got to wonder Hiccup w he can find out about Hiccup without asking people about him. Gobber might turn him away, or tell him “not today.” That would give Snotlout hope, but Gobber could keep turning him away. I imagine Snotlout trying to buy a gift for Hiccup and being turned away from the shopkeepers. People might not believe Hiccup forgave him and decide he’s lying to save his own skin. Even Hiccup sending him on an errand—because Hiccup is one of the few people who will talk to him—ends badly. The baker won’t sell him the pastry, but will personally deliver it for Hiccup, in case he actually wants it. Why should anyone trust Snotlout to tell the truth?

Stoick is not thrilled with Snotlout and has no obligation to tell folks Hiccup forgave him. If asked, his answer is “Yes, but I wouldn’t have let him off so easily.” Oh, yeah, give people permission to harass him. Hiccup will leave the house at some point. He is a forgiver, but even if he asks others to be kinder to Snotlout, they don’t have to, esp. if Stoick says it’s okay.

Toothless will be extra protective, and no one will leave Hiccup alone near Snotlout. He won’t be welcome at the Academy, and the others will leave the arena if Hiccup lets Snotlout in. Their dragons will be extra protective. Barf and Belch, Meatlug, Stormfly—ooh, never get Stormfly mad at you, she’s almost as bad as Astrid—doing it voluntarily. None of them are leaving Hookfang in the dark, either. Hookfang is almost as clueless as Snotlout. No one will glare at Snotlout if he’s there? Don’t count on it, Hookfang. They’re just annoyed? Nope, nope, nope. Hookfang might be reminded that Hiccup tried to make friends with him instead of slaughtering him in front of a crowd, then returned, let him out of his cage, and paired him with Snotlout. Hookfang has spent so much time around his rider that he’s never given much thought to the very real effects of Snotlout’s bullying and pranks. Toothless knows, and maybe Stormfly, and I envision Hookfang getting an earful about Hiccup’s past and how Snotlout treated him. Yeah, have some perspective, Hookfang.

Again, great chapter, and I’m looking forward to the next one. Whiskers
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