Reviews for Unexpected Awakening
Kay Hau chapter 21 . 7/6
Very enjoyable story! The wound in the force idea to explain Obi Wan’s strange heart trouble is really interesting, and I love the idea that he needs to get a sort of team together to truly prevent the fall of the Jedi Order. Also interested in seeing what he eventually decides to do with Anakin and how things have already changed pretty substantially from the actions he’s already taken.

Saw your note on Ch 22 and honestly I don’t use Ao3 so I won’t be checking that out, but if you ever post more here I’d love to follow! Again, great job.
Pokybyte chapter 20 . 6/27
I liked this chapter but I don’t think Yoda is being very fair. He was part of the stagnation and inaction that led to the Sidious’ rise to power
rimera chapter 19 . 6/7
kirk chapter 1 . 4/2
i don't see spock or kirk in this story can i del it
singing ferret chapter 22 . 4/1
What is Ao?
the rabid plot bunny chapter 22 . 3/23
Ah man I am not a fan of Ao3... their tag system makes it impossible to find anything. Thanks for the update
Francis Richard chapter 16 . 2/20
I feel like there should have been some "than" by then.
Runereader of the Nightwings chapter 22 . 2/5
...15 years from publishing to the latest update
mistersnx chapter 1 . 2/2
Ao3 is a new website... thats tricky to use ?
Waka Metalbelly chapter 9 . 1/15
Goodbye grimderp.
trollzillathefirst chapter 1 . 1/6
this fanfic has been running since before I was born. i am genuinly impressed. With this type of long term dedication, you should seriously think about trying to professionally create your own original stories or books. I definitely think you could pull it off.
general-joseph-dickson chapter 22 . 1/6
I have never heard of Ao3
Guest chapter 22 . 1/1
U cant end it there!
Thats the most unfair cliffhanger in the world!
Jokes aside absoulty love the story!
Rydan fall chapter 22 . 12/30/2019
Will you repost this rewrite here as well?
Aria Eragon chapter 22 . 12/29/2019
I'm so excited to read this rewrite! see you on ao3!
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