Reviews for To Carthage, Burning
Guest chapter 1 . 5/18
Wow this was just amazing. So beautifully written. I am stumped. But you knoww, I wondered for a long time how the Uchiha could have been okay with Kakashi just parading around THEIR bloodline limit. THEIR eyes, how DARE he. And how did he NOT face any repercussions for this?
The 3rd and the 4th would obviously have prevented them for ensuing any more wrath than described in your story on him, and perhaps that would have agitated them further. Maybe that is one of the reasons that could have fuled their uprising, even by just a little.

I don't know man what I do know is you are so amazin at doing this
berry5tz chapter 1 . 8/13/2015
I always kind of wondered what would've happened. When Kakashi returned home. I knew it couldn't have gone well.
This is as good explanation as any.
Nice job!
mndstjohn chapter 1 . 2/18/2013
Damn all bastards, real or not.
Lunchbox413 chapter 1 . 9/27/2011
This is absolutely brilliant. My heart was breaking for little Kakashi the whole time.

I love the voices in his head...which sounds totally crazy, but I don't care. I loved it.
blindrain chapter 1 . 12/30/2010
Wow. That was amazing... Way to go.

I liked the voices...yeah, Kakashi can kill me. :P

Good job. :D
001Kamikakushi chapter 1 . 9/27/2009
excellent fic dealing with the aftermatch. so well written it can be condidered canon.
Amrun chapter 1 . 7/21/2009
I like this. It's a little bit confusing to read, but he is supposed to be confused so it works. There are a couple of typos and such, but overall, it's legible. I enjoyed the characterisation in this and the fact that it could fit into canon. Thanks for sharing.
Ms Trick chapter 1 . 9/13/2007
Tuesday chapter 1 . 6/19/2007
This is sharp, and painful, and very, very well-written.
Eldr-Fire chapter 1 . 3/23/2007
Hmm, maybe it seems weird that I'm reviewing this two years after it's been published... At any rate, I thought it was pretty good, although some of the dialogue was slightly difficult to believe.
Hookandeye chapter 1 . 11/6/2006
Rather disturbing and incredibly original.

Good stuff.
Hic Jacet chapter 1 . 4/14/2006
That was awesome. Loved the way how you managed to tie everything in.
Amy K. Cyrway chapter 1 . 7/13/2005
I'm thoroughly impressed.

Even though it is clear you wrote this when the arc wasn't quite completed (ie Rin's status,) it's still very impressive and comprehensible, showing Kakashi is, in fact, still a child.

I'm also really digging the way Obito-in-the-head ties in to everything.

Bravo! _
Chevira Lowe chapter 1 . 7/6/2005
I read this fic... well, a long while ago, but I never reviewed. I think the sheer immensity of it gave me pause and made me want to hide under a rock until I could think of suitable praise to offer up a la sacrificial lamb.

'(Think of it as an eye for an eye, if it bothers you so much.)'

That line was probably my favorite, because... I mean... OW. OW. OW. OW. I loved the spiral descent into insanity, and how it all comes back to the few things in his life that's made him who he is. I love how you wrote it, how you phrased every little sentence, and how you managed to make it seem like Kakashi was stuck under a magnifying glass and a spotlight without ever writing it in as many words. You made his alienation truly real (giving him low level missions until he's trustworthy? Another ouch.) And taking his mask off made me wince, because... well. Ow. (Am I being redundant yet? XD)

I think ffdotnet ate one of your spaces, 'He hasnever been a "we." He works best alone, needing no one' there. It's so annoying when it does that, argh.

This fic is a very easy read, which is part of the reason I adore it so. It doesn't make me stop, pause, puzzle things out or go back to see if I've read anything incorrectly. It flows with the fluid grace of ... something fluid and graceful. (Sorry, I was sounding poetically pretentious, I had to break the mood. XD)

And, seeing as how my feelings towards Kakashific in the Naruto fandom have not lately extended beyond, "STOP FLOGGING THE DEAD OBITO ALREADY!", the fact that I could read and enjoy this fic (to bits and pieces, even!) twice proves that it is in fact truly great.

Okay. I'm done fangirling. Great story~!
Annwyd chapter 1 . 5/26/2005
This is gorgeous; it addresses a point left woefully untold by canon, and it does so very well. On top of that it captures the breakdown in Kakashi's mind brilliantly. (And writing the inside of his head can be *hard*.) My only possible criticism would be that it's not clear at first that Rin is dead as well, and that makes things a little awkward. I'd also say that sometimes it gets difficult to follow the conversation of the voices in Kakashi's head, but that may be intentional.
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