Reviews for Heart of Darkness
Wolfman217 chapter 31 . 4/5
No matter how many times I read this I still hate this part as it establishes Luke as somehow stronger in the force. They're twins for fuck sake, they should have the same strength in the force, and be just as talented (all else being equal) as each other, i.e. Luke should never actually be able to catch Leia up simply because she's head such a massive head start in learning, same as why Luke had an insurmountable lead in canon, he had a giant head start.

It's just so fucking stupid, and incredibly sexiest too.
Guest chapter 14 . 3/5
I was actually hoping this story would focus a bit more on Vader at least involve him more.
Guest chapter 13 . 3/5
That’s actually incorrect sidious had admitted that Vader would eventually surpass him in power but sidious was confident that he’d be immortal by then.
Qiralyn Cassette chapter 2 . 2/8
Actually Anakin/Vader thought the baby was going to be a girl while Padme thought it was going to be a boy.
Hashirama 1710 chapter 1 . 1/17
he already killed children in cold blood
Ninja124 chapter 1 . 1/4
Ok never ending dark Leia story writer, come back and keep writing this story
Ninja124 chapter 49 . 1/3
If anyone is listening, continue this story it is my favorite Leia story
kitten198485 chapter 11 . 8/28/2019
I do gotta agree with Jix, seriously . 4 on 1 is tv trope stuff :P but given what i've read about Noghri...I can totally see them taking on that many easily.
Caver Floyd chapter 49 . 8/23/2019
Decent story, though the different parts were a little disjointed.
wolfpackrwby88 chapter 49 . 7/10/2019
All that build up and you just stop?
Rogue Survivor chapter 35 . 5/5/2019
The dialogue gets more and more unnatural with every chapter. They barely sound human at this point.
Rogue Survivor chapter 11 . 5/2/2019
You spell Naberrie differently every time, and I've yet to see it spelled correctly.
Wzza chapter 1 . 3/27/2019
Just want to say that twin not same as having equal power, they are not clone of each other, or you won't end up with smart younger twin brother and stupid but strong older twin brother.
Guest chapter 49 . 1/18/2019
I do hope this story comes back. The daddy Vader stories just aren't numerous enough. Plus, you touch on a lot of the flaws of the jedi and make it clear there are other ways. It would be nice to see Ahsoka show up, simply because she builds on some of those topics and would be a good match for Vader, however you want that to turn out.

Although, I have to agree that Luke shouldn't have way more potential than the other skywalker's. It just doesn't make sense in star wars. To me, Anakin/Vader is the 'chosen one' and always will be. It weren't Luke who tossed Palps down a reactor shaft.
Wandering Immortal chapter 49 . 1/9/2019
Excellent story. Hope to read more soon.
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