Reviews for Dont you just love Love?
No Freedom Till We Are Equal chapter 2 . 4/6/2013
I am giving you credit in my story because I posted this on a differnt website and If you do not want to be loved and popular on that website i will delete the story thank you
Bdasg12345 chapter 17 . 5/13/2008
wow i love this but one question couldnt sasuke have stayed in kohana and live with sakura or naruto i dont mean to offend the way you wrote this i love it this way i just want to know why you choose to make sasuke move
SakuraXItachiXGaaraXSasuke chapter 1 . 9/29/2007
PLEASE tell me you are going to make a Sequel...PLEASE. that is an awesome story.
Xkissxdeathxbrex chapter 17 . 8/25/2007
aw its over! can u have another sequel! plz.
Xkissxdeathxbrex chapter 2 . 8/25/2007
love it
sydney chapter 17 . 9/23/2006
i love ur story so huch it makes me wont to cry.
SkinnyCynic chapter 1 . 8/15/2006
oh...this is interesting!
Analysis chapter 17 . 8/8/2006
Sasuke8097 chapter 16 . 8/5/2006
aww... it wa sso cute! great story! gl on the project!

Sasuke8097 chapter 7 . 8/1/2006
hehe... i like it so far! i have 2 finish reading it later though... dinner's ready...

Sasuke8097 chapter 2 . 7/29/2006
i like it so far... i'll finish redaing it tommorow. i gotta get offline now... :(

Sakurablossom1993 chapter 17 . 7/11/2006
that was amazing ur a great writer i love ur stories!
takeBACK chapter 11 . 7/10/2006
4ever sweet chapter 5 . 5/19/2006
i love it!
Kishiko-Chan chapter 17 . 2/18/2006
nice story but why did sasuke have to move?and like couldnt he stay with sakura or rent another house?
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