Reviews for And So I'll Watch
Wang chapter 1 . 1/6/2008
Because of the way Auron talks to Tidus in the game, I also deduced he was like a relative to him. Auron is very "patient" with Tidus, always gives him advice and Tidus has an informal relationship with him, calling him Auron instead of "Sir Auron", which is the correct treatment for a living legend like him.

Nice fanfiction!
Wikeni chapter 1 . 8/13/2007
Sweet, and yeah, I think Auron and Tidus did have kind of a father / son bond.

Nice job!
Shinkei chapter 1 . 8/13/2007
wow, this is amazing and i don't think the ending was icky at all, it just occured TOO SOON in the story :P you're so good at writing, I can't believe this is your first FFX fic. Keep up the good work! D
Anime WarriorSkye chapter 1 . 6/17/2007
_ That was so kawaii. The game never really touched on the relationship between Tidus and Auron, but this oneshot summed it all up and even added a little more. You should be very proud of yourself and have more reviews for this.
Miroir du Symphonie chapter 1 . 6/17/2007
I loved this story. There was a lot of feeling and emotion in it - and yes, I do love parent!Auron. Lovely job.