Reviews for The Taste of Grapes
Guest chapter 1 . 10/2/2016
I love this so much 3
Guest chapter 1 . 10/23/2015
This is so sweet! And a great sequel to the Cream story :)
musicalsarelife chapter 1 . 4/27/2008
Goodness, I love this story so much. I've read it before, and I'm kind of surprised I never reviewed it. Oh well, here goes. Hanschen and Ernst are my favorite pair in spring Awakening,and this is a wonderful story about them. You totally got the characters right, and great, adorable ending! Please keep writing.
GreyTwine chapter 1 . 1/1/2008
I very much liked the characterization of Ernst and his view of Hanschen. I think that this got across very well, wven though it was third person, which is quite hard to do.
shriveled.up.heart chapter 1 . 12/29/2007
Very well written! There seriously should be a Spring Awakening Category! I really liked how you depicted Ernst, and his looking back at Hanschen response to his proclaimation of affection. It made me want to cry a little.
Nearly Awake chapter 1 . 9/29/2007
aw... that's perfect. i read cream and it made me so sad, even though it was wonderful, but unfullfilled sadness really gets to me after a while, so i love you for giving me some closure...
xComet260x chapter 1 . 9/9/2007
Beautiful! It was just... I can't begin to describe it. It was undescribily (sp?) beautiful! Please write more SA... there arn't enough of them. lol and you write so beautifuly (sp?).
twilighttries chapter 1 . 8/30/2007
Yes! They get back together in the end. They belong together. Very well written.:)
BroadwayHope chapter 1 . 8/17/2007
So this is a review of all four Spring Awakening vignettes...they are all gorgeous! The first is haunting, the second is sad, the third is hopeless, and the last is hopeful, which I was really hoping for, because I couldn't stand anymore of the characters being unhappy. I love how you captured the emotions! They are so accurate and relatable to (is that a word?) I loved these! Write more, please!
AkuEponineHughes chapter 1 . 8/10/2007
Wow... that was amazing. I love this pairing. And you did a GREAT job writing for them. *standing ovation* Encore!
freeingindia chapter 1 . 8/5/2007
Who did you sell your soul to? Now. Tell me now. Because it's not natural for someone to write so wonderfully with any given pairing or story (I'm obsessed with the newest HP one as well) without some sort of interferance or occurance.

Lantarmiel chapter 1 . 7/28/2007
This is beautiful- at least one couple in the whole mess has a little bit more happiness ahead of them.

I especially love the description of hope as a wretched infidel... I think it fits well with the boys who speak in literary allusions.