Reviews for The Wardrobe
purple kimono chapter 1 . 6/22/2008
I was wondering if anyone would do a piece on furniture's point of view and I'm glad someone did. Nice fic. I like it that the wardrobe knows what they did and it's part of Aslan's plans.
Monkey chapter 1 . 6/5/2008

wow. You dont know HOW GLAD I AM that you found MY poem so great and edited it to your own style. I am amazed that you liked mine so much. Really, I am. Thank you so much for giving me credit for some of it and not keeping it all to yourself like some other greedy people do. And again, I say THANK YOU. :D You make me feel all warm a fuzzy, you know that?

Awesome re-telling, though. Loved most of the changes, truely I did. :D You should write some more, Mmkay?

Keep your pen Sharp,

DreamMakersMagic chapter 1 . 6/2/2008
Wulfclan chapter 1 . 6/2/2008
Actually, the idea of the repetitive phrase was Monkey's. Don't give me TOO much credit! *wink* I put in the 'And I smile', and the rest of the poem's pretty much mine. I need to go tell Monkey what a big hit it was.
Mercury Gray chapter 1 . 6/2/2008
GENIUS! A poem is the perfect thing to tell the wardrobe's story, and to my limited knowledge, that's something no one's ever done before. Nice work! I liked the repetition of that line " Little do they know what I have in store for them" and then how you changed it at the end- that was really good way to show who is kind of responsible for the children at various points in the story. Again, fantastic job!
KCS chapter 1 . 6/2/2008
Oh, wonderful!

The repetition of the 'Little do they know' line is superb in its progression, finally ending with the knowledge that although Narnia is behind them, something better awaits. I loved it!
Violamom chapter 1 . 6/2/2008
Oh I like this, Wulfie! I started reading it out of curiousity (and loyalty to a dear TLC friend),it gradually drew me in, and left me wanting of like...the wardrobe! :-)

I love your repetition of the linking phrase ("little do they know..."), and how it changes at the end, pointing the way to Aslan. It is a note of hope, contrasting with the children's tears, showing beautifully how in the Sovereignty of God, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel for those who love Him.

Well done, my friend! God bless! :-)