Reviews for Harry Potter and the World that Waits
norton159 chapter 12 . 5/31
Gutted this is dead. Its a really good story
rakely chapter 12 . 5/20
Cant wait for the next chapter! I love the plot and characters so much this is probs my 10th time rereading this story!
StoneTheLoner chapter 1 . 5/9
Harry's really not a good person in this story. A secret hundreds of thousands (Possibly even millions) of people keep together across borders, continents and even through 10s of centuries... but this b*stard breaks it with a "Statue of secrecy be d*mbed" comment for two randos.

Putting myself in any other wizards shoes and I'd absolutely be calling for the guy to be imprisoned. He broke a social convention so important to magical lives that his little stunt effects them all on a personal level. The small family living in a muggle community, towns of people who are suddenly going to be under a magnifying glass through no fault nor want of their own and etc.

Harry just did a very bad thing. And again, putting myself in any other wizards shoes I'd look at the situation seeing how he was witnessing someone in danger and was unwilling to ignore it and decide this guy should'nt be allowed to walk free. Ignoring the fact that he's already commited a crime and should be punished for that, he's also likely to repeat it if he's ever in a position to "help". Lock him up!
Lordlexx chapter 3 . 4/9
UGH! Now Harry can't seduce Jean because of stupid age stuff and that prick Scott
ObsessivelyObsessiveObsession chapter 2 . 4/8
I know it’s probably a bit difficult to find middle ground between an over competent and realistically competent wizard, but I believe this chapter very much displayed a horribly incompetent Harry. Why use a glamour instead of going invisible? Why not simply blow his way out of the facility? When he is getting shot at, why does he simply run? He could’ve teleported at that point (he was out of the facility), even if only a dozen yards at a time. He could’ve shielded himself or cast a charm on himself and the others to nullify physical damage. He could’ve made them all invisible or cast notice me nots. He could’ve transfigured the ground into a shield, blocking line of sight and protecting them. He could’ve confounded one or two to throw them into disarray. There are a million of things he could’ve done. Instead he simply runs and with no protection at that. One stray bullet could’ve taken his life, yet there were limitless options to EASILY avoid danger at all.
Guest chapter 2 . 2/22
:O you know ... There must be limits to a retarded mc but this sh1t just tops everything i have ever read ... Its like reading about someone with mental problems and brain disfunction . Hell you need to be idiot yourself to relate to a mc as stupid as this guess im not .
StoneTheLoner chapter 5 . 2/11
This automatically knocked the story down a point if I had to rate it(Giving up his blood took another, because ffs what an unlikeable thing for not just him, but the readers following along too. You do know that's one of the most hated cliches out there, don't you? What, will the blood on the chain link fence be an important plot point too? I can't help but focus on how none of this would be happening if Harry just opened his mouth and explained himself. Or his mind). Whatever. Hopefully you can make up for it with something else. Touchy feely niceness aside, Harry has to do something that makes him an interesting character again, right? The secret thing was it until now, so it's time to replace it with something else.


... And nope. This chapter killed the story. Mostly for the reasons above, but I also noticed as I continued reading that it feels like you lost sight of the 16yo you introduced for the little first year you wanted him to be. His personality is oddly childish and that makes it all the weirder when he's yoyoing to being kind of impressive. Overall, I'd give this a 3.5 out of 10. And it started as a promising 6 or 7 :/

This chapter definitely felt like a wrong turn. The first 4 chapters were amazing.
StoneTheLoner chapter 4 . 2/11
I hope he still isn't generous with the truth. Lie, lie, and lie a little more. That makes EVERYTHING more compelling to read. The second you give that up you've lost something that kept readers entertained.
StoneTheLoner chapter 2 . 2/11
It's annoying to see Harry failing to consider the possibility that wizards just don't exist. Genuinely annoying. It hasn't made this a more interesting read, if anything it's left me dissatisfied with the main character.
Wayne Rees chapter 1 . 1/23
If I was a writer (and not just a reader) I'd ask if I could steal this first chapter and use it to send Harry to different universes. That was a very well done multi universe crossover intro.
masterdude94 chapter 12 . 1/13
9 years later, but please come back to this! This story is awesome!
millerr123 chapter 12 . 1/8
Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please update this story because it is such a brilliant story and I couldn't stop reading it.
Guest chapter 12 . 12/28/2019
Hope you’re not dead. But if you are; My condolences, the world is at least several good chapters lighter for your passing.
Wolvie26 chapter 12 . 12/5/2019
Love it! Can't wait to see what happens next! Hope you update soon!
nessiesmith2012 chapter 5 . 11/27/2019
Harry lets everyone walk over him and hardly uses his brain. Hey least your just copying canon harry and not canon event... I hope cause canon n ur harry suck. Weak willed and retarted. Trusting so easy after a life of abuse and torture? Yah not plausible. Letting everyone dictate what he can n can not do is getting extremely boring. So this is where i drop out. Harry is gettin by on luck and his past does not match his personality. F in character development.
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