Reviews for Inner Hollow
Guest chapter 6 . 6/5
Ichigo in this story be like horny mode engage
corjca1 chapter 95 . 3/12
taski you fucking little dyke cunt fuck off lol
corjca1 chapter 128 . 3/5
gangja jah herb grown in the garden of eden
ChiDead chapter 130 . 3/3
That was beautiful
MojoBlack chapter 130 . 2/16
This story was very good. Ichigo and Rukia are one of my if not my number 1 favorite what if couples. Reading this story really made me feel good. Makes me wosh it was canon. (I dont like Orihime eother)
Guest chapter 63 . 2/14
Damm man that proposal was touching.
DreamedSilverWings chapter 130 . 12/15/2019
I think this is the longest fic I have ever read, and I love it! Surprised how it all started, and of course the route you took, Ichigo and Rukia being the King and Queen they deserved to be.
I really enjoy not only the lemons, but the story. It's very interesting, and of course hella hot, it took me like a month to read it all lmao. Maybe the only thing I didn't like at all was the bashing for Orihime, but it never stoped me.
I know I should give you a review for every single chapter, but I am too lazy xD if you still active, maybe I could do it...
corjca1 chapter 37 . 11/20/2019
god i hate that big titty slag onumi god i detest her along with that noble girly ponse rukias brother tal3281
FPSDennise chapter 53 . 11/20/2019
Damn that little moment of KenseiXRukia. It was little a dream come true. It's a crackship but I loved them ever so much. No one writes about them. Maybe I'm the insane one that like that paring lol.
FPSDennise chapter 51 . 11/20/2019
Its ok Rukia, Kensei is sexy as f***
ZeoRangerFiveRed chapter 1 . 5/10/2018
dude this fanfic is awesome i was a major ichigo and rukia shipper
Guest chapter 26 . 10/11/2017
This went from an actual story to pwp
dragonfox123 chapter 1 . 8/23/2017
Interesting idea and plot and chapter
Guest chapter 51 . 8/15/2017
His Zanpaktou's Name is Nozarashi and it's release command is Drink its a direct attack type like Ikkaku's and takes the form of an Axe that's bigger then kenpachi while it's bankai's name has yet to be revealed when he uses it the axe shrinks down to the size of a butcher's knife and Kenpachi takes on a demonic appearance
Marato Eto chapter 33 . 8/14/2017
Oh my god. I know this is a completed story but god. Rape after rape after sex after rape. It was enjoyable at first but every chapter? Sometimes twice or three times? This is getting taxing on my brain. it gets so boring. Ontop of that. The hollows were beaten down. They can only speak when the hollows really try. And taking over is almost impossible without them being in mortal danger!
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